Search Results

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    Sulfasalazine to treat cats with IBD safe?

    Yes, we tried Gabby on Sulfasalazine when she was first diagnosed with IBD 7 years ago. She didn't tolerate it well (made her vomit) so we had to re-think that plan. I have, however, heard that it is commonly tried with IBD cats because it is supposed to be a very effective antibiotic for...
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    Metronidazole (aka Flagyl) is a staple in my house, it ranks right on up there with food and litter as a necessity. 2 of my girls have IBD and need to take it on occasion so I keep it handy. I'm not at all surprised your kitty vomited in the car after taking it. I'm guessing it went down on...
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    Help! Found kitten, bad situation.

    I'm scratching my head over this one, honestly.........I've never heard of a vet that doesn't refer to an EC during nights and weekends. This kitten sounds like he has a very severe URI.....not uncommon in tiny ones found abandoned. He can survive.........but not without veterinary care...
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    Alot of the other foods that we tried were not necessarily high-fiber, but various other foods out there that may be beneficial to her condition. Some of the ones we tried (& either she refused to eat or they aggravated the problem) were Eukanuba Low Residue, the Waltham hypo-allergenic diets...
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    Well, you've already hit on one of the major drawbacks of Flagyl........the taste! It is very, very bitter and if you don't get it down the cat's throat clean the first time out & they get the slightest taste of it, they will drool, & foam terribly. Also, it is notorious for causing nausea &...
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    Actually, what you're describing sounds very much like my Gabby's symptoms. Gabby has IBD and was diagnosed 7 years ago. Like your kitty, she had a colonoscopy & it was just a day procedure--she was home that night, albeit a bit groggy. There are several different types of IBD, depending on...
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    Hypercalcemia- any experiences?

    Her symptoms were very non-specific (as is common with pancreatitis in cats).......she was lethargic and wouldn't eat, she just didn't seem like herself. She also had the elevated calcium that one time. She's had it on several occasions and those are the symptoms every time--only occasionally...
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    Hypercalcemia- any experiences?

    Actually, 3 of my kitties had some issues with hypercalcemia about 6 months ago. My vet told me everything yours has about the possible causes of it. Also, she said inflammation can sometimes cause it and since one of my girls had pancreatitis at the time, the vet felt it could be attributed...
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    GG has been sneezing......

    Cats sneeze just like people do when there is any kind of inhaled irritant, or allergy. More than likely it's nothing to worry about unless the sneezing continues, and she stops eating or becomes lethargic. Sneezing is a common symptom of an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) but there...
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    Rubbing against my face..

    I can definitely understand this behavior, as my Chandler is that way. Fortunately, I'm not allergic, so I don't have that added worry. I don't have any good advice, though, as to how to get them to not do this. My biggest complaint with Chandler is he thinks my face is a perfect place for...
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    Bailey was admitted to the hospital tonight!

    OMG, you sound just like me! I'm soooooo glad to know I'm not alone ! It's like I start looking for problems that probably aren't even there. Keeps my vets on their toes, I guess . JennyJen--I'm so glad to hear Bailey is doing a little better! Eating is always a step in the right...
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    Feeding wet food--Looking for helpful tips & ideas

    Hi All..... I'm wanting to start feeding more wet food. I've got a couple here with health issues that could certainly benefit from the added water and a few overweight ones who could stand to lose a little. With 8 kitties, plus the fact that I work all day, there are various challenges...
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    Greetingd from TX!!

    Howdy from another Texan! Welcome to TCS....... and since you just got here in August, I should say Welcome to Texas !! I live down in Houston with my crew of 8 kitties. They pretty much run the place and just let me live here .
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    Flagyl - I hate this medication!!!

    Hi Debbie.... I have to give Flagyl alot around here with my 2 IBD girls. I've also noticed it causing lethargy in my girls and of course, lack of appetite. I think I've figured out a way to avoid killing their appetite, though--at least to some extent----I give her a bowl of food & wait...
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    those of you whose cats have had crystals removed

    My 7 yr old cat, Chandler, had a cystotomy done back in October to remove calcium oxalate stones from his bladder. It was 4 days after surgery before he had a "normal" flow of urine. During those first 4 days post-op, he spent unbelievable amounts of time in the litter box straining to only...
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    What is a cat's normal breathing rate?

    Just had to look this up myself's 20-40 breaths per minute.
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    Quality affordable litter?

    Another Scoop Away user here...........tried just about everything else out there at one time or another and kept going back to it. It clumps solid, and the litter stays clean so I rarely need to replace it--just refill the litter boxes when the level gets too low--saves $$ on litter in the...
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    First aid for cats - any book recommendations?

    That would be my recommendaton, also......have had this book for years and love it!
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    Best age to Spay?

    Gosh, it's been a long time since I've had a kitty that young. Most of my girls came to me already spayed so I can't say exactly what age it was done. The breeders that I got my Maine Coon from spayed her at around 5 months. I'm thinking around 4-5 months is about right (??) but as mooficat...
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    Declawed Cat Care?

    A few of mine were declawed when I got them. None of them have required any extra care. They use the same litter as the clawed cats, eat the same food, and have had no behavior problems. They have had no joint issues; they walk, play and jump, just like the clawed kitties do (even more so in...