Search Results

  1. M

    Kitty Is Scared of her Litter Box

    Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted on this forum, but it's good to see you're all still here helping each other out. I've got the same cat, new problem! 3 weeks ago something she ate gave her a bad case of diarrhea. For a couple of days every time she "went" we had to scoop her...
  2. M

    Luxating Patella/Trick Knee

    It has been determined that our kitty has a luxating patella - her knee slips in and out. Some times it is worse than others, but she has at least 2 or 3 "blow outs" a day. We've had her on Medicam (anti-inflamatory/pain killer) for a few days and the degree of pain during her episodes seems to...
  3. M

    Second Opinion on the Dental Cleaning

    So, I got my second quote for a dental on my kitty. The second vet said her teeth were not that bad - nothing that a good cleaning won't clear up. She does need extractions but it is because she has some very common lesions. The other vet made it sound so dire! Anyhow, I used to go to this vet...
  4. M

    Help! Has Anyone Dealt with Esophageal Strictures?

    Hi. I'm brand new to this forum and am hoping someone out there can offer me some advice. We have been dealing with a situation for almost 3 months now with our Maine Coon, Gabby, and are seriously, beside ourselves! To make a very, very long story short, she had esophagitis (an injury to...