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  5. booboo1

    CRF - Chronic Renal Failure:links and experiences with

    Thanks pookie-poo! Before I knew boo had CRF she would make what I would call her "gaggy face" sometimes, where her eyes would bulge and she would gag for no apparent reason, at the time i thought it was a hairball. After reading about CRF I realized that was probably from stomach acid. Once i...
  6. booboo1

    Ok, it's official. My cat is fat.

    aww he is a cutie!! I have an overweight cat as well. With the vets advice I have cut down on her food (1/4 cup dry purina nf food throughout day, 1/2 can wet purina nf a day). She is going back to the vet in three weeks so I will find out then if she has lost any weight but I suspect not as she...
  7. booboo1

    CRF - Chronic Renal Failure:links and experiences with

    Hello! I have finally gotten back to the site as I have been pretty busy at work lately and I have a question about my crf cat boo. last night in the middle of the night I was awoken by her making what almost seemed to be a coughing noise. kind of like she was going to vomit but without the...
  8. booboo1

    It's Damita....again.

    for Damita to feel better soon!!!
  9. booboo1

    Itty Bitty, Binky, Imsadi & Aura pics + Itty Bitty movie

    aww, i love your kitties! they are all so different in appearance. and of course, itty bitty's ears are awesome! i would love to give them a scritch
  10. booboo1

    Damita injured her paw!

    poor Damita!! Heres lots of healing for her!!!
  11. booboo1

    Sick Cat - Worried

    I just wanted to voice my support and encouragment to both you and sunny. Your post stuck out to me because I am a runner and I have a cat with renal failure! My cat (boo) is not yet to the point that she requires subQ's but she is on the renal diet food which fortunately she loves. We are...
  12. booboo1

    My Willow has Cancer(Fibrosarcoma)

    To both you and Willow!! I have no other advise about this cancer because I have never dealt with it in a cat but i do know how you feel getting a scary diagnosis and I wish you both the best.
  13. booboo1

    Getting DESPERATE and need ADVICE!!

    I just caught up on this thread and i just wanted to send for getting tango to the vet on time! Good luck and I am sorry you are dealing with so much stress!!
  14. booboo1

    elderly cat

    for Rascal!!! you really are taking wonderful care of him and even htough he is 18 years old he still looks as sweet as he did at 7 months
  15. booboo1

    Pictures of Boo- finally!

    Thanks everybody!! I am so glad i finally got some pictures uploaded. She is my best friend
  16. booboo1

    Pictures of Boo- finally!

    Well I have been lurking and admiring pictures of everyone's cats for over six months so I am finally going to post some pictures of my boo!! She has CRF so she spends most of her time drinking out of the kitchen sink
  17. booboo1

    She drinks an awful lot of water...

    Ditto on taking her to the vet for blood tests. I noticed my boo was drinking ALOT of water and always hangning around the sinks waiting for us to turn the faucet on. I took her to the vet and found out she has chronic renal failure. She is only seven years old so the vet was suprised that she...
  18. booboo1

    CRF - Chronic Renal Failure:links and experiences with

    Hello! I have been posting in this furom periodically about my CRF kitty Boo and it was suggested that I post in this sticky so here I am! I have been on as suggested for the last couple of hours going over boo's most recent blood work and it is very helpful but so confusing...
  19. booboo1

    My RF kitty Boo Update

    Hello again everyone! Well I took boo in for a second round of bloodwork on Monday (first blood test showed elevated BUN and Creatin and was done about a month before.) Since the time of her initial diagnosis I have started her on a diet of Purina NF canned and dry food. Her blood work on...
  20. booboo1

    Excessive water consumption??

    Thanks everyone for all of your support especially the stories of cats living several years after the diagnosis of CRF!! The first couple days after her diagnosis I would cry every time i saw her drinking from the faucet because it would remind me of what we are facing but now I am just glad to...