Search Results

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    What color is this kitty?

    My sis is picking up this beauty on Sunday...what is the technical coloring? isn't she cute?!
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    Ragtime Pet Collar Pics?

    I was wondering if anyone wanted to share pics of their boy kitties in a rag-time collar? I want to order a few but don't know which ones yet! LOL
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    How could I say no to this sweet face? *Cuteness Warning*

    Meet "Stewie" !!! ps. Sorry about the red eye, I tried fixing it but my editing program made it look funny! And this one cracks me up
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    Sleeping Like Babies

    I thought this was just adorable. The white and grey male is about 5-6 weeks old, he is a foster (very sweet btw, but needs to put on some weight)... I think I may just have to keep him LOL
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    I got attacked by a dog today

    This Morning I was out to go get my mail at my mailbox, it is about 1-2 houses away. The neighbors across the street have two large dogs. They are always off the leash. Well they are both outside apparently, as I didn't see them until they came at me, no owner in site and they come charging at...
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    How much??

    I have a couple questions How much dry food do you go through a month? How many cats do you have? What dry food do you feed? Do you also feed wet food? If so, How much a day?
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    Beastie Bands?

    I'm thinking of ordering a few, will they fit kittens? (like 2-3 months old) please share any pics of your cats wearing one, I can't decide on what designs I want.
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    Stray Kitten

    Here is pics of the stray I found... ps Don't mind the junk on the floor the kitties were playing with my tree and I didn't get to vacuum yet! (you can read about it here) Isn't he a doll?
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    Found stray Kitten

    Early this morning I found a stray orange kitten in our neighborhood. I have not seen any other kittens or even cats around here, so I'm guessing he is alone. I know our neighborhood is huge for drop-offs because it is quiet and dead at night. Anyway, he seems to be about 4-5 weeks old I am...
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    Should my kitten be getting dry and wet food?

    Hi! I have a 11 week old male kitten. Right now he is Eating Royal Canin Baby cat and Wellness kitten canned. Should I continue to give him both, or should I just give him all wet or all dry right now? Thanks!
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    Hello! My name is Debbie and I have a new little boy kitten. his name is Tiger, We just got him today and he just jumped right in, not shy at all! He is 11 weeks old I live in Las Vegas and have 3 sons and married to my Highschool sweetheart for 8.5 years now here is a pic of Tiger!