Search Results

  1. T

    Where is that

    Um...I'm hazarding a guess that the two of you are fully zero pop. and while I understand this I am inclined to think that a responsible breeder, say one litter isn't so evil. I hope this does not make you upset with me, but not everyone is out for the dollars. My miss Mina has had kittens...
  2. T

    My dog has adopted a stray kitten.

    Yea! A new kitty for your Hercules! AS calicos are for the most part female yeah, I'd say hes rare, however, are you [planning on breeding him? It might be interesting to see if you introduced him at a later age to a pretty calico female...who knows as long as there are good homes for the...
  3. T

    Question on senior food

    My miss Mina aka billkitty) is eighteen years old and is unable to stomach most cat food except for those containing brewers rice. The most mild of the foods appear to be (through trial and error, ievomit, runs, etc.) a lamb and rice combor or a chicken/ rice combo. Dogfood works just as well...
  4. T

    How long does it take?

    From what I know cats can develop really strong pair bonds with other cats, people, even other animals, but sometiems they can see any other being as competition for food, affection, etc. This can be merely an instictive measure,but sometimes I think it is selective behavior. My miss mina...
  5. T

    How long does it take?

    This photo is high art! Thanks lorax
  6. T

    Begging for food

    Okay, since I'm the evil culprit...The last suggestion makes sense because there is a pecking order per sey, in the wild, or if left to go back to wild behaviors, the largest male cats and leadfemales will eat first and push the other younger, smaller, weaker, lesser important cats eat...
  7. T

    Please, please help me, kitty is throwing up and won't stop...

    Take her to the emergency hospital asap...Agreeing with the previous post . dehydration is the largest danger right now, as well as the possibility of her being febril (high temp.)! Please go and take our caring thought with you..keep me posted...Lorax and Miss Mina (billkitty).
  8. T

    Any news about "thin kitty?"

    Thank you! I'm concerned and want to be supportive for kitty and mom, too. Have you heard more? I'm going back to see if I can find the original again so that I can message her privately ,I guess. This is okay, Yes? Lorax
  9. T

    Any news about "thin kitty?"

    I wonder if the kitten made it okay with help from supplemental KMR milk or other source of nutrients? Anyone know? The lorax
  10. T

    Cats and snow

    what amount to our winter which means a few days of light rain...Miss Mina will go outside if I'm outside, but she will immediately turn tail and sit in our doorway calling me until I come in again. We lived in Oregon several yeasr back and Miss Mina saw her first snow. She explored until her...
  11. T

    Any remedies for cold sores

    Yeah, I agree. The lysine is very effective. thelorax.
  12. T

    Does it upset you when .........

    They're just kickin' it so completely when like that, tey let their heads fall a person sleeping in a car becomes a noodle neck! Don't worry...unless she exhibits signs of sickness like weepy eyes or funky snot bubbles out of the nostrils, change in breathing she'll be fine...
  13. T

    Begging for food

    Yeah, how did the monkey shiner do it in??!! lorax
  14. T

    Begging for food

    I know, I know, I'm an evil guest who should know better than to feed kitty human food...but y'know...she lookedat me and patted my leg so friendly-like...lets face it , she took me for the sucker for cats that I truly am...I can deny them nothing and theyknow this upon meeting me...
  15. T

    A day with Rosie and Sophie!

    Totally cute! I thinl rosie and sophie really know how to have a good time! I'm miss mina (billkitty) is 18 years old and just ignores the toys, now. Still, she does enjoy a wee bit of catnip...then she gets foolish with her pink mousie! Nice photos, they made my evening..The...
  16. T

    Anybody out there?

    Love the scratch n bit pic! I give the book the lorax as gifts to this day! Read it first as a child, also. Nice to know my audiences knows me! Hey folks, Gotta catch my 40 winks! Talk again soon, yeah?! It's been great intro night for me! Thanks to all of ya'll,again...G'night to all...
  17. T

    Anybody out there?

    Uh...what's a siggy? Sounds intriguing...Must hie self off to 2:30 am here! Thanks for writing has been great...will do so more in future. have explored a variety of photos of lovely fuzzies, will post as soon as I can of my Miss Mina! Goodday Australia! Cute pic! Caio, All...
  18. T

    Anybody out there?

    Curious Chloe is a cutie! Got to sleep now...thaanks so much for writing! Back soon...The lorax.
  19. T

    Anybody out there?

    Hi mooficat!: Lorax here...Just apologizing to everybody for the bizarre order in which I'm responding!: Wierd, but my computer keeps kicking me off the board and Im stuck looking for the thread again! Hmm...sounds like an Anne McCaffery novel... So...where is your dog, anyway? Not lost I...
  20. T

    Anybody out there?

    My, my... healthy bunch aren't we all just?! Hi karmasmom! Hi JHubby, too martial relations, huh...quit rubbing my lack thereof init! Just funnin...Love you both! And toall a good...write more! Musn't sleep! must talk to everyoneabout cats...