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  1. T

    Monthly pictures of Beauty

    Oh my godshe is almost exactly the same as my cat! Even the one-side-of-mouth-ginger-and-other-side-white is the same! Lovely cat. Edit: As proof, here's a little piccy of my cat: Sorry for hi-jacking your thread. Just needed to show you.
  2. T

    Worrying behaviour

    Thanks for all the replies guys. I do love my cat more than you would imagine. My vet told me that she would be able to go outside when her medication was finished. If you can't trust vet advice, what can you trust? I was only doing what I was told was right. The tom belongs to a neighbour...
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    Worrying behaviour

    Some of you might have seem my previous thread a couple of weeks ago. Basically, my cat was pulling all her fur out, and she peed in the bath. The pee was slightly tinges with blood, so we put her on a course of tablets and kept her indoors. We have finished the course of tablets and she's not...
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    My new kitten, Eliot!

    He... is... too... cute!! Really sweet.
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    A Second Chance at Living Life

    Even with his bald patch, he is still a beautiful cat. Really heart-warming to see. God, I'm crying again.
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    He's home....furr-ever & ever!

    I am actually crying in relief reading this. In the pictures in the other thread, his eyes cried out for love and they looked so painfully resigned. In these pictures, they have that wonderful glimmer of life, and hope. This is the best news ever. I am so, so happy, and I hope he will be for...
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    OMG!! Da Bird...everyone is right!!

    Are these sold in the UK? THey sound really good, so I'd love to get one for Copper as a Christmas present, but I've not seen them at all here.
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    Our furfamily: Scully

    Brilliant photos. Very unusual, but effective. Your kitty is gorgeous. The eyes are amazing. And she's such a poser!
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    Dalmations, I never knew they came in various colors!

    That is precisely what I think. I wnjoy watching the agility and obedience in Cruft's, but I think exactly what you said, they shouldn't be judged inferior to other dogs of their breed just because their colour is slightly different or their structure is too big or whatever. How do we even...
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    What's wrong with her?

    Thanks so much. Copper says thanks too.
  11. T

    is today the day? i'm so excited

    I hope everything goes super smooth for Gismo and her kittens. Best of luck to you all!
  12. T

    What's wrong with her?

    Hi, I have some good news. I went to the vet today to pick up the cat litter, and to talk to her about the blood in her urine. she requested to see her immediately, so I took her along. She checked her over and said it was just mild cystitis, and have us a 10 day course of synulox tablets, and...
  13. T

    What's wrong with her?

    Yeah, I suppose. Today, she's done another pee and a poo in the bath. Poor little thing, she's so good, doing it in the bath. I'll put hwer litter tray out today, with the non absorbant cat litter. I won't try to force her out then. I don't have any way to take her temp I'm afraid. Thanks...
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    What's wrong with her?

    The vet suggested buying a flea spray for the home, so I will do so. The workmen have only been here for two days though, and her behaviour has been strange for a lot longer than that. I wasn't being really serious when I said that, but she is rather strange, in the nicest way possible. I'm...
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    Weird sound

    So does Copper, at birds, other cats, toys, and nothing.
  16. T

    A New Record!!

    He's gorgeous though.
  17. T

    cat collars, bell or no?

    My cat's always got a bell. She gets cunfused it I take it off, coz you'd get used to a jingling if you'd heard it every time you moved for 6 years!
  18. T

    What's wrong with her?

    Hi, WEll, I'll tell you the whole story. About a year and a half ago, my cat started to pull out her fur, so we put her on Spot-On, and it disappeared. but now, it's come back with a vengeance. She pulled out the hair under her legs, on her stomach, and now her bald patches are moving up her...
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    Who likes calicos

    Hmmm... somehow I don't think so.
  20. T

    Who likes calicos

    Must just be mine then. I love her anyways, so hey.