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  1. M

    Its 5 degrees here, how cold is it where u are?

    It's -3 F but with windchill it's -22 F. All the schools were called off for today. Way to cold to do anything outside.
  2. M

    Saints vs da Bears Discussion

    Well, my House is completely estatic. So is most of my neighborhood for that matter. We live about an hour away from Chicago, so I'm extremely happy about this win.
  3. M

    Mae & Gonzo

    Haha, too cute.
  4. M

    How many pillows?

    Well, there are 2 pillows on my bed, but I usually only sleep on 1, or 0. Theres a pillow on both sides, and whatever side I roll on is the one I use. But, usually they end up tossed on the floor and I don't use a pillow.
  5. M

    Tavia is now

    Awww. My dog Max will do that aswell. He's a hound, so his saggy skin squeezes as he breathes.
  6. M

    AFC/NFC Championship games

    Here I am. TCS's Unofficial Sports Man. Patriot's Vs. Colt Well, here we have it. The Colts have been in the postion a lot int he past 4 years, as well as the Patriots. The Pats know how to get it done, but I'd have to say the Colts want it much more. Now, I live in Indiana, yet I despise the...
  7. M

    What does your username mean?

    Well, mines a little odd. The "Mr" part is correct. But "Vlad" is not my real name. It's actually Jason, but I always go by Jay. I've just always been interested in "Vlad The Impaler" and thought Vlad was an awesome name.
  8. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Great game so far. I'm just glad ND is staying in it.
  9. M

    I kept saying the most I could handle was three, but...

    Wow, he looks just like a cat at my local no kill animal shelter. The weird thing is, they have simalar names as well. The cat that looks like him is named "Mr. O'Malley".
  10. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Well, have to give some early props to LSU. 2 plays, 1 touchdown. Nice work. Though, I'm not happy about it.
  11. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Heh, actually, they're my second favorite team in basketball after Butler. But, IU sucks in Football. Actually, they do in basketball now too. I just like their basketball team more.
  12. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Oi. I haven't "given up" on them. I've been a die-hard ND fan my whole life. And every game I don't think they'll win. Notre Dame has a history of getting my hopes up, and crushing them by blowing a game. Now I figure, if I have no hopes, they can't be crushed.
  13. M

    Gonna start drinking

    To tell the truth, I don't think Notre Dame will win. I want them too, badly. I just don't really think they will.
  14. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Wow, I'm feeling the love in this thread.
  15. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Sorry, but I now hate you. Man, I need some backup here. Come on ND fans, help me out.
  16. M

    Gonna start drinking

    Game times getting closer. Should start putting on my green face paint and leprachaun suit pretty soon.
  17. M

    Gonna start drinking

    I'm not worried about "gris gris" or whatever. Brady Quinn will get the job done right.
  18. M

    Gonna start drinking

    As in charms for good luck? But never fear, we are the Fighting "Irish". Our name is even lucky.
  19. M

    Gonna start drinking

    I'm afraid that will be impossible since Notre Dame's power house defence will make scoring impossible. Go ND!!!
  20. M

    Is anyone bowling today? (C0llege Football)

    I'm waiting for the Sugar Bowl. Notre Dame all the way. Also wathed the Rose Bowl today, and a bit of the Oklahoma and Boisie game. As for baseball though, me and churchi4cubs will not get along. I'm a major White Sox fan.