Search Results

  1. F

    Ideas to Keep an Unwanted Visitor Away?

    My problem isn't really a behavioural issue with my cats, it's more to do with a neighbourhood cat that insists on visiting our house. My girls are all indoor cats and have always been indoor cats (we have three). About a year ago, an extremely friendly male cat has decided that our house is...
  2. F

    My Girls...

    Seeing as my girls are the reason I found this site, I figured I should probably introduce them too... Leroy, well, she's the typical big, lazy cat. Daisy is her baby (although she's not exactly a baby anymore!) and Molly is my furry little kitty. Leroy is a short hair black cat, so it's...
  3. F

    New here and slave to 3 kitties...

    Hi everyone! Just found this site and it's fantastic! I'm currently owned by 3 female cats, Leroy, Daisy and Molly (yes, Leroy is a girl - long story), one is 8 and the other two are 9 years old. I can see I'll be spending hours upon hours here! I've only spent a little while here so far and...