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  1. J

    He's biting me!

    Lucky has developed a new bite me. he bites my arms, my feet--and this morning, while we were cuddling in bed (he was laying on my chest purring) he started biting at my face. I don't know what to do. It's not necessarily agressive biting, but his needle sharp kitten teeth still...
  2. J


    I use Feline Pine. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I've since found that I prefer this litter type and will use it again. Basically, anything that gets wet turns into dry sawdust, however, it isn't dusty, it stays in the litter box. All you have to do is pluck out the poop and...
  3. J

    What do we do?

    It took Lucky awhile to learn to accept having his claws clipped. I played with his feet whenever we had a cuddle session. Basically I stuck my finger between the pad of his feet and his toes, this causes kittens to extend their claws (I know, i don't get it either), and then, once he was ok...
  4. J

    Advice on Cat Trees

    Just so you know, charges more, but gets thier products from I've purchased from both, and both products were from Armarkat, but the product was about $5 more when I purchased it from Lucky LOVES his new cat tree though, so no matter what it was...
  5. J

    How does Feline Pine Work?

    It took Lucky a few days to get the hang of things. He's a pretty low squater when he pees, and with FP he can push it off to the side and pee on the exposed bottom of the litter box. The problem with this is that he winds up urinating on himself. I found when I put more FP in the box, this...
  6. J

    problems with baby

    It could be that whatever is irritating her rear area is also making her edgy. Cats usually avoid humans when they don't feel good. I would definatly take her to the vet ASAP, and maybe once the problem is treated she'll go back to being your Baby. Oh, and it could also be what Larke...
  7. J


    Well, Lucky is neutered. I guess I just need to realize that this is going to be a way of life. Maybe I'll start keeping his favorite toy by the door and throw it right before I open the door. he might just go for the toy instead of the door, I guess it's worth a shot.
  8. J

    I think Trout is very lonely

    Some cats just require more attention. I'm a grad student, so I'm home with Lucky most days, yet, if I even shut the door so I can go to the bathroom, he's meowing. I think Trout just misses you. If you've been treating him for fleas for over two months, it's probably a safe bet that he's ok...
  9. J


    Over the last two weeks my kitten has developed the habit of sneaking past me whenever I open the front door. I've tried to prevent him, but he's so quick! Luckily he gets distracted as soon as he gets outside the door, so I can soop him up. However, I'm concerened that one day he isn't going...
  10. J

    Help with signature

    Ok, I've got a basic signature, now how do I make it fancy with the backgrounds an all that? Thanks!
  11. J

    Rip Bugsey 1992-2006

    Bugsey has been my kitty since I was 10 years old. My mom brought him home the day before christmas eve, I remember that my friend was over and we played with him all day. By 6 months old, Bugsey was roaming the streets durring the day, and we would regularly hear him getting into fights with...
  12. J


    *Hugs* to you and your family. I know how painful the loss of your beloved kitty can be. I lost Bugsey in July, and my heart still aches when I see something that reminds me of him. Know that you will heal with time, and that Lola is in a place with no pain, but she's missing you too, you...
  13. J

    I made a photo compilation!

    Oh my goodness your babys are adorable. I'm gonna go watch the video again!
  14. J

    Screensavers for cats?

    I've had my kitten for a month too, his name is...Lucky! Here's a website for cat videos Also, if you have a copy of Finding Nemo, the second disk has an aquarium scene that Lucky loves! Oh, and if it's a fiscal option, I got my kitten a cat tree from...
  15. J

    Introducing Lucky!!!

    Strike a Pose Awww...not that thing again!! It's the Devil Cat! What now?!? Homework "help" The cutest kitten in the world!
  16. J

    New member with new kitten

    My name is Jennifer and I'm a 25 year old graduate student. I'm persuing my masters in library science at San Jose State...but enough about me, I want you to know about Lucky! Lucky is my precious baby boy. He's a 5-month old purebred Ragdoll. I've wanted a Ragdoll for almost 15 years...
  17. J

    A few problems...

    Well, I've had babylocks on the two cupboards with handles for about a week, it's the cupboards with no handles that I can't figure out and which Lucky has such and easy time getting into. I've put semi-heavy objects in front of these, and its working for now, but it's not asthetically pleasing...
  18. J

    A few problems...

    My kitten Lucky really is a great cat, but he's a bit too smart for his own good, and this is causing some problems... 1. Lucky can open cupboards. This wouldn't be a problem except I live in a studio apartment with limited storage, so things such as cleaning products and knives are stored in...