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  1. J

    Neutering questions????

    Is it normal for a male cat to still get sexually aroused after he's been neutered? I got my 5 1/2 month old kitten neutered last week and I noticed that he is still getting aroused.....not that I look but he sometimes sits on the couch cleaning himself and it's hard not to notice. Also I've...
  2. J


    My 5 month old kitten has been biting for the past few months. We have continuously given him time outs, sprayed him with the water bottle told him NO....but none of that has phased him. He has continued this behavior and now it is even worse.....he used to let you pick him up and pet him all...
  3. J

    What causes rapid weight gain???

    About 8 months ago I moved out of my mom's apartment where I lived for several years with her and her cat Romeo. Since I've moved out he has gained ALOT of weight. I'm not sure how many pounds he's gained because I'm not sure what he weighed before I left, but I can tell just by looking at him...
  4. J kitten is out of control!

    I've had my kitten for about 2 1/2 months now and he is currently 14 weeks old. Since we got him we have been trying to stop the following behavior problems: 1) biting 2) jumping on tables and counters 3) trying to eat our food everytime we sit down for dinner We have tried time outs...
  5. J

    Does your kitten sleep with you?

    I have a 4 month old kitten and he is very loving but also a very typical kitten. He is up all night running through our apartment and always thinks it's time to play when it's time to sleep. He also jumps on me and bites me while I'm trying to sleep. In order to get some rest I have not been...