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  1. L


    oh the literbox is no problem..cuz we have other cats(already pets) and a dog we have kept them seperate til we can get them to the vet and make sure all is good and until they get a little bigger...( dog is bigger and is so curious) i keep telling them she is 100 times bigger than them and they...
  2. L


    the first 6 month old male we are going to have to take to a shelter thing i heard about....they neuter em ear clip em and release them into an area that they get fed and vetted...the sister we are socializing more and she is making more progress which gives me hope she can go to a home setting...
  3. L

    Early Spay and neuter

    It would be worth the ppl to be buying a kitten they know has been checked out by a vet and has been spayed or neutered...I mean if they are gonna have all that taken care of there should be a price in peace of mind knowing the kitten they are buying has been properly taken care of....Im so glad...
  4. L

    Male cat puperty?

    I am currently taking care of 4 cats (2 of them are 6 months old and the other two are 5 weeks old) all cuz someone thought having some kittens would be fun....well the 6 month olds are way to feral now...i will have to find a rescue to take care of them for the rest of their lives....the new...
  5. L


    these news kittens seem younger than 7 weeks....they only have 2 teeth on each top and bottom....they love kitten milk from a bottle...and kitten chow soaked in that milk....any ideas how old in regards to the teeth??
  6. L


    OK a little update.....the female ate out of my hand this morning and can be held without a blanket....the male is making improvements as well just not as fast... A neighbor came over today and asked me how we caught them and said they had two small kittens hanging around and wanted to catch...
  7. L


    i just feel so bad....all they do is lay at the back of the kennel and do and i take em out to hold them...but we try to get them to play with some feather toys inside the kennel and they want nothing to do with it....would a vet even care for such wild cats??? there is no way...
  8. L


    I've been browsing on here and see that i should seperate the brother and sister as to keep her from getting pregnant from him??? We have them in a big dog kennel right now....figured they would be more comfortable together...the dog kennel does have a divider in it for like puppies and...
  9. L


    Well i thought we had them all....but i was outside yesterday talking with a friend and here i see two more playing in the neighbors yard lol...i guess they know where they have it tonight we shall try to catch another one...would have done it this morning but i have class and mom had...
  10. L


    we set the trap again this morning and not even 15 minutes and we had another one...a female this itime....she looks just like the first one we caught only smaller....she calmed down really fast and with little fuss of us holding her...
  11. L


    so i guess we just catch her and get her to the vet....well im off to bed lol gotta get up at 6 am to set the trap again(thats when the neighbor goes out to usually feed them) lol ty again for all the advice!!!
  12. L


    mom knows this is nothing new for me...i had been volunteering at the local zoo when i was little and i would bring home baby birds that had fallen from the nest that stupid kids would be throwing rocks at etc....earlier this summer it was a baby squirrel lol i am going to school to be a...
  13. L


    GREAT NEWS!!!! Caught a male tonight....i heard him rustling around and figured he was tryin to get at the sardines from the other end...i waited a little while to make sure he was really in there....and there he was yayyyyy He sure did give us a run for our money once we got him in the house...
  14. L


    They ate last night and we set the trap back up this morning and they havent come to eat is raining out so im guessing that is the reason....they come to eat as soon as the neighbor lady puts the food out and calls here kitty kitty....but then again she has been doing that for 3 months...
  15. L


    OK so my neighbor has been feeding these 4 stray kittens. I hated to see them spend the winter outside so i went over and talked to the neighbor to see about catching them to get them off the street. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug and said of course. she told me she had been worried...