Search Results

  1. P

    Three new hammies :P

    Well, to cut a long story short, we called a rescue this morning and they had hams, we went there looking for a lone dwarfie and came home with three russian dwarfs...I'm thinking they're campbells but not sure yet. In not technical terms, there are two white ones and one browny coloured one...
  2. P

    UKers - what do you feed your cat/s?

    People in the UK (well, anyone can answer really, just because I'm in the UK and am of course looking for a food we can find here ) what do you feed your cats? I'm sure what we're feeding Patch isn't the best quality stuff, but ideally we need something we can buy from a pet shop, because mum...
  3. P


    Well apologies for not being around lately, Patch is doing fine, he is well and dandy! Just one thing bothering us at the moment... Patch isn't exactly the most friendly cat even though we do try to socialise with him a lot..we introduced a brush to him (and have tried various different ones)...
  4. P

    Lovely stray

    I hope it's okay just to post about strays here, not actually for questions about them. We have two allotments (with chickens and plants) and after a couple of months of being on there (we've had our allotments for over two years now, maybe this will be the third year in around July/August) a...
  5. P

    I'm so sorry Jelly :'(

    Jelly passed away sometime on the 3rd of January this year :'( What a great way to start a the new year? Well, Jelly is a hamster but she still deserves a place here :'( I went to feed her at about 11:50am and she ALWAYS responds to hearing the food shaking about in the tub. Well, today she...
  6. P

    Big no no's

    I think this should go here.. I was just wondering yesterday, our cat will basically eat anything, is there anything that he shouldn't really have or something that's really bad? Of course we wouldn't feed him a plate full of chips, sausage and beans :P So yeah, anything that could kill him...
  7. P


    Well, just recently Patch has been doing this really weird thing to my mum. Most of the time it's when he's just woken up. He starts purring REALLY loud (honestly, he sounds a like a motorbike walking up the bed at night!) and then he walks all over her and first he licks her face and then he...
  8. P

    How old? Or how much should they weigh?

    I'm sure this has probably been answered before, but I had a look around and couldn't find anything. How old does a kitten need to be before he can be neutured? or does it go by weight? Just wondering because we're not sure when Patch will need to be done. (don't worry, we do have a vet for...
  9. P

    Hey people ^_^

    Hey My name is Jane and last Friday (15th September) we got an adorable little kitten called Patch ^_^ He was from a friend of my sisters, who took in a pregnant cat. (She did not breed the cat herself). He is going to be an indoor cat, mainly because of all the dangers outside. He loves...