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  1. V

    Hello Everyone Im New

    Hi I'm new to the forum and when i was lookin up cat information and found this site it was very helpful =) this is my cat nigel: and this is after his cyst removin surgery he's doin good and the cyst has not returned for a 3rd time
  2. V

    Help: Cat cysts on ears!

    My cat Nigel developed a Cyst on his ear and no matter how big it got it was sucessfully drained and stiched up..but a couple months later he got another cyst in the same exact spot! We had to cut out part of his ear to stop the cysts from growing...Has anyone else had so many problems with cysts?
  3. V

    Problem with a Cat w/ another cat

    I have sorta adopted a cat named Nigel he's bout 5 years old and before we had got him he used to be teased and "pushed" around by other cats that wouldn't let him eat or you think he will have a big problem with another cat if i ever get a 2nd one?
  4. V!!!

    I've looked around on the edit profile but i can not find where in the world im suppose to post a signature please help