Search Results

  1. H

    Type evolution through time in persians and siamese

    Check out these photographs of past and present winners of purebreed persians and siamese. Supreme adult 1978 Supreme adult 1981 Supreme adult 1989 Supreme adult 1998 Supreme Neuter & Supreme Exhibit 2004 Siamese cats: This picture was taken 1890 Supreme adult 1976 1982 1984...
  2. H

    Old pictures of purebreed cats?

    Hi Do any of you know where I can find (on the internet) pictures of purebreed cats that are old. That is pictures of purebreed cats, like siamese and persian that show cats that were bred 20-50 years ago or older.
  3. H

    Krummi, the clever kitty coon

    I promised you that I would write about my male Maine Coon abilities to do tricks. As some of you know already he is called Krummi, that is an unformal word for raven (and yes he is black ). When I got him last july I only had little time to spend with him, because I had started to work so...
  4. H

    Pictures of my 6 cats and introduction

    Hi everybody I would like to introduce myself. I am a 31 year old woman from Iceland, and I live 40 min drive east from the capital in a 122 year old house in a small village by the sea. With me in this old house are my 6 cats (and my partner of course ) The first cat was Múddi. I got him in...