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    I admire and respect your opinion and totally agree with you. I do feel that it up to the individual and owner to decide this. I feel like you must love your cat just as much as any one out there who does not agree with declawing. My vet, just as yours guided me through this and I had all the...
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    litter box antics

    I love the name cosmo. where did you find such a unique name. tell me more about him. pr66
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    I have a question to anyone who might like to respond.. How do you guys out there feel about having a cat declawed on the front paws. Just curious to know. I have several friends whose cats ARE declawed and they are indoor pets only. They don't seem to think its being mean to the pet and the one...
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    litter box antics

    Heidi, I think you may be right about them thinking its not covered up. I happened to notice Cassey (my himmy)seemingly covering something on the floor. On more direct observation, he had dropped a deposit there and of course was trying to cover up the evidence...cats are so clean huh????
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    checking in

    morning Steph. just checking in to see how the girls are and how you are. Do hope everyone is feeling much better. pr66
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    litter box antics

    Hi, yes I have experienced this same problem with a number of cats...I can't figure it out either. I've have seen Casey (my himmy) do this. It's kinda comical to watch them. Casey usually covers up his deposits first, then continues to paw at the litter box, the wall and sometimes the floor. I...
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    Rather sick babies

    p.s. forgot to say "see Ya'll later
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    Rather sick babies

    You know I've been so engrossed in the sick little girls, that I forgot to welcome you in...course I'm a new kid on the block too. this is one wonderful site. I can't even remember how I happened on it, but I am sooo glad I did. Everyone is so nice and helpful. It's so enjoyable seeing where...
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    Rather sick babies

    I'm so happy and sure everyone else is to hear the good news of better kitties. I know I couldn't be of much help except feel for you and the darlings. Keep in touch as to how they are doing. Love hearing anytime. again SOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR GOOD NEWS. pr66
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    Rather sick babies

    anyone heard from Steph...been wondering how the two babies, (Josie and Delph) are.Course we want to know how Steph is too. I'm sure she is feeling pretty bad with two sick children. pr66
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    Rather sick babies

    I don't have any advice except to find a vet that can be more thorough and tell you what is wrong with Delph and Josie. My cats are little people to me as I'm sure yours are to you. I just doesn't sound right that they don't know what could be causing all this...I do hope you find both of them...
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    new cat

    Hi Adymarie, the only thing better than a cat is having two cats (or more). My daughter has a torti which has a lot of black on her and semi long hair. She is getting on in years and has only one eye since a kitten. Had to take my CC to the vet this am to finish up her shots. Needless to say...
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    new cat

    this is in reply to Alicia and Jeanie G. Thanks for your response. I did know that the tortishell wasn't a breed and just an american short hair. One reason I was asking and didn't say before, was that I have had several grey tabbies. they were loveable, but had a mean, well not mean exactly...
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    new cat

    I just adopted a new cat...from my vet. A lady found this little one, couldn't keep her, so took her to her vet and being a nice person and animal lover, paid for having her spayed, shots and general check-up. Poor thing needed a loving home and was very upset at having to stay in a cage for...
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    telephone attack

    Thanks Hissy for your advice. I haven't thought of getting down to his level. I really don't think "Casey" is trying to be mean, but he is one something else to figure out!!!!! Again thanks for writing me back. loved hearing from you... [email protected] ( pr66)
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    telephone attack

    I have been reading everyone's problems...and needless to say I have one too. I have a male, neutered Himalayan, ten years old. This has been going on for years and it's driving me crazy trying to figure this one out...It seems that when I am on the phone my cat for some reason attacks my...