Search Results

  1. beccory

    You're scared of WHAT?

    Simon is scared of the snail-shaped rug from IKEA that we have in our dining room! We had it in the bathroom, but our old kitty Wick liked it in the dining room so we moved it out there for her. Simon had never really noticed it before but he was scratching on his post outside the kitchen and I...
  2. beccory

    Are you worried?

    what? no. Why would I be? It's just a date. Sure, something horrible happened that day a few years ago, but horrible things have happened on other days and I don't get paranoid on those dates just because something happened to happen. It's actually a happy day for my family, too, because my...
  3. beccory

    Is anyone else here a vegan?

    Well, I'm vegetarian, not vegan, but I might be able to help a little... I find that most meat-containing dishes can be made using zucchini as a replacement, or, if you prefer, you can use eggplant. I have a lot of fruit and veggies, raw, as snacks... and you could try soy yogurt, I hear it's...
  4. beccory

    Pics of you and your sibling/s!!!!

    This photo is from the July before this past one, my brother's been in Japan since then and he just got back so I have no more recent photos. I'm in the back with the terrible bangs, haha. I have much better hair now. The guy next to me is my fiance, and my mom is in the middle. My sister is...
  5. beccory

    just chilling out

    Aww, she's the cutest! My kitten Simon opens his mouth like that often... it's just panting from exertion. Kittens are more prone to it than adults because they use sooo much more energy! So after running around if she pants a bit that is normal
  6. beccory

    Daily Thread Thursday 06 September

    Morning all. I'm sooo exhausted today, even though I got plenty of sleep... I did have a HORRIBLE nightmare, though, so my sleep probably wasn't very restful. Ah well. Second day of classes today, I start my english lit class and my "women and religion" class. I'm super excited about the...
  7. beccory

    Crazy university

    My schedule's not too bad class-wise- I'm only taking three full classes plus music lessons this semester- but work messes everything up. On Monday Wednesday, I work 7-9am, class til 10:30, work til 2. Tuesday Thursday I work 7-9:30am, class til 2:30, work til 4:30. Friday I work 7-9am, class...
  8. beccory

    Bruce & Sheila at 7.5 months

    Oh my goodness! Bruce is a handsome guy but Sheila is STUNNING!! Gorgeous kitties, I love maine coons!
  9. beccory

    Non-Cat Relatives/Friends

    My sister and brother each own a cat. They're not quite as cat-crazy as I am but they get most of what I do. My dad loves cats too so he gets it. My mom isn't a cat person but when she comes over she seems to like our cats enough... she doesn't ever say anything about us being weird or...
  10. beccory

    Do You Have A Different "Voice" For Each Of Your Cats??

    I kind of use a stupid-baby-talk / dumb-kitty voice for Simon because he's such a dummy. Or else I'm usually using a stern you-are-in-trouble voice because he's a hooligan. With Lyra... she normally gets a high-pitched, crooning voice from me because she's still a little nervous and needs...
  11. beccory

    Question of the Day - September 4th!

    uh... how can I possibly choose a favorite?! Apples are the best fruit in the world! But I think my absolute favorite way is probably straight off the tree at the orchard where it was grown. Orchards have the best apples and I love the atmosphere... We're probably taking our first orchard trip...
  12. beccory

    Question of the Day - September 3rd

    The highlight of my summer- and probably one of the highlights of my life- was my surgery that I had on August 9. Best thing I've ever done for myself. I had a breast reduction and had 5 pounds of tissue removed! My back thanks me every day
  13. beccory

    Can I have pics of plants / bugs / water / rocks...?

    There's a couple. I don't have many on this computer but if you want more I have a ton more on my laptop and I can post them later.
  14. beccory

    Wad or Fold?

    I wad. My fiance folds and uses like 93472314 squares. Bugs the heck out of me! But as it's such a silly unimportant thing I just heckle him about it a bit.
  15. beccory

    Whats for supper everyone...

    We had leftover vegetarian chile... mmmm so good. My mom made up the recipe, it's got barley and three kinds of beans and peppers and all kinds of good things in it. So tasty!
  16. beccory

    No clean forks?!?

    No chores here, though we HAVE to do laundry tomorrow or I won't be able to go to work on Tuesday for lack of shirts! I don't think going to work topless would be looked upon too highly. We had leftovers for dinner tonight and yesterday we were at the fair for dinner, so no cooking for me...
  17. beccory


    I used Kubuntu for a while. Never used Ubuntu. I had to switch back because ...well, a few things... mostly though it's just the fact that I'm a gamer, so I need Windows. I'm thinking of converting my laptop to Linux, though! I do like it, I just don't like the fact that some things, I just...
  18. beccory

    Daily Thread Sunday 2 September

    I'm a tea drinker, does that count? I used to drink coffee but I got horribly addicted and decided it wasn't worth the (literal) headache.
  19. beccory

    Oh dear... it just sounded bad.

    Nice imagery. Poor Scratch! I hope his little rump feels better. Naughty 8-bit
  20. beccory

    Daily Thread Sunday 2 September

    Well, we've learned to work around it by telling them we want them there at 11:00 if it really starts at 11:30... works pretty well! My sister is working on it, she's even been early for a couple of things recently- she plays violin for a theater that does musicals so she has to be more...