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  1. B

    First Shield flea treatment from PetSmart is BAD-made a little kitty sick!!

    Thank you so much for your reply. We had no idea what was going on with kitty and why she went from a perky curious kitty to a 24 hr a day sleeper. There are alot of complaints on the internet abt First Shield. It is a product made FOR Banfield and it is used exclusively at Petsmart/Banfield. I...
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    First Shield flea treatment from PetSmart is BAD-made a little kitty sick!!

    My daughter and I rescued a little stray from the cold last week Friday.  We took her to PetSmart for a quick blood test to make sure she didn't have any contagious kitty diseases.  She had fleas really bad too.  They gave her First Shield.  This was on Friday.  By Saturday afternoon all she...
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    Biting Tail!!!

    I had a cat that did this also.  He had alot of "issues."  My vet put him on Prozac.  The tail biting stopped, as well as the spraying slowed way down.  His "rage" issues got better too.
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    Brand new kitty, bloated belly, blood in stool

    Stephanie.....New Braunfels is a really nice town. I don't do water sports so that's a big part of NB. I'm not into German activities either, but it's a nice peaceful town and not too big! We wanted our 4 month old to have a playmate so she would leave our older cats alone. Bailey is SOOOOOO...
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    Brand new kitty, bloated belly, blood in stool

    Yeah....the poop was REALLY STINKY but not foul in any strange way! It might have had a little mucous in it...not sure. The blood was not bright red, and just kinda mixed in, in a small area. It wasn't loose like coccidiosis like I've seen before, but maybe in the early stages?? Would that...
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    I had a cat that would not eat the laxatone (willingly)......I put a big glob of it on his paw (on top of his paw.) Since cats are so clean, he immediately started cleaning himself off by licking up the Laxatone!!
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    Brand new kitty, bloated belly, blood in stool

    I adopted a kitty over the weekend at a small animal shelter. The shelter was kind of a dump. I think for the most part they were doing the best they can. It is a "kill" shelter, so I'm sure they have to put down many cats and dogs. There were over 60 kitties, most of them with their mommies...
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    First UTI - Tests

    Our vet just pushes my cat's bladder (from the outside of course) and it expresses some urine. I can't believe your vet didn't do that the very first day. I hope Teppo does better and better.
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    hyperthyroid cat continuing to drop lots of weight

    I've had 3 cats that had hyperthyroid. All of them were quite old. I didn't see how old your cat is. I had one cat go from 17 pounds to 7 pounds. I waited way too long with him. The pills made him vomit violently. At the time they didn't have the ear cream. This was in the mid 80's. The...