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    cat sleeps up high anyone elses

    My cat Jess won't sleep on the floor anymore. When we first got him four years ago he used to have his bed on top of the tumble dryer in the kitchen and his bowls were placed up high as well to keep my kids out of them. I bought him a new bed a few months ago and he used it. Only I had to move...
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    Cat Moving to New Apt

    hiya Will your cat be going outside when you move. If so you normally have to keep them in for about 3 - 5 days to get used to their surroundings inside and look outside to get their bearings. Gradually let your cat out for 10 minutes at a time until you feel confident. You will prob. see your...
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    Do your cats watch TV??

    My cat doesn't watch TV but he does watch my tropical fish tank and try and paw at the fish. to much hard work for him to keep up with TV.:tounge2:
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    Pics of my boys

    hiya Sal, nice cats. The first one looks like he's smiling at the camera. :laughing:
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    Testing just ignore

    Trying again
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    Testing just ignore

    My cat Jess if it works
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    Hiya all

    Hiya all, just joined so would like to say hello (hello Sal joined like you said) i only have one cat called Jess (he is male) but son was into Postman Pat at the time hence name. Looked for a site like this for ages so hope to enjoy post soon bye for now