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  1. T

    Blocking and blocking/need some advice

    I am really hoping for some sound advice. My 2 1/2 year old Tangerine has had quite a year. Started in july when he first blocked. Then he kept blocking, everytime they took the catheter out, he blocked again, which led to the penial uresthromy (spelled it wrong). Which led to a major...
  2. T

    please read, really concerned

    Hi - it's been awhile since I've been on. Tangerine blocked up again, not sure if you read his threads. he had a hard time in the summer as well and has been through 3 surgeries. Now he is healthy and the doc has a large catether in and sent him home with a big cone/hood on his head. he will...
  3. T

    Tangerine Update/happy ending?

    I think anyhow... we'll see. OK - so Tanny has been doing well. Let's see.. two surgeries, kitty anorexia... 2 months in the vet... and then lost for 2 1/2 days... oh boy. He's home... eating like a champ. I keep asking what to feed him, but seeing as though he lost almost 9 lbs, the vet...
  4. T

    oh my god, he's gone.

    I don't know what to do... after all he's been through Tangerine is gone. He ran away 2 days ago... he hasn't been doing that well either. I have been everywhere... went to the pound, put signs up... everything.... do cats away to die?
  5. T

    Update on Tangerine/Please read!

    Hi Guys - I have been posting now and again about tangerine. Don't want to bore you buys that have been following... but I cannot believe the ordeal he has went through and survived... I also need a little advice... but first the good news. Tanny has started to eat again... the vet gave him an...
  6. T

    Recurring Blockage/Fatty Liver Disease

    OK guys, I am really looking for some help here. As many know, Tangerine has been through a big battle over the last couple months (maybe 3 now). Anyhow, we've have blockages that have led to surgery (to make into a girl cat), that led to infection/blockage, that led to another surgery (to...
  7. T

    Poor Tangerine

    Update on Tangerine - Well during his afternoon feeding, he was a little unmanagable. He wouldn't sit still, so when I let him go he just immediately went to the litter box, and COULDN'T PEE AGAIN! Then he tried everywhere in the dang house... it was awful to watch AGAIN... So back to the...
  8. T

    tangerine's first weekend of tube feeding

    AAAHHH - what a nerve wracking thing!! Really. if everyone is up to date on poor tanny... just a quick history. 1 1/2 months ago he was screaming in pain blocked... rushed to vet and he was blocked. Kept in the hospital for 1 week where he blocked twice. Did the surgery to open his urethra...
  9. T

    Really need help please!

    I really need some advice here. I am at my end. My 2 yr old cat had a blockage 1 month ago. After 1 1/2 weeks of catherization and then blocking up, the vet opted for the surgery. I cannot even remember the name of it now, but they opened up his urethra. He's been back and forth to the vet...
  10. T

    Please read/needing advice!!

    I am tangerines mom. He is a 2 year old orange kitty that just had surgery because he could urinate. The name is the surgery is perineal urethrostomy. He has two sisters that he lives with as well. 3 weeks after surgery we are still having problems. First, he is balding, I mean the hair is...
  11. T

    Male Kitty obstruction/infection!!!

    Hi - I am new to this, but hoping someone can help me out. My 2 year old kitty, Tangerine, has been in the hospital for 2 weeks as of tomorrow. He had a urinary blockage, they inserted a catether and when they took it out, he blocked all over again, needless to say, doctor tried again and he...