Search Results

  1. jazmynn

    Ohmygod in heaven. help.

    Alright. A) Hi! I've missed everyone terribly so but I've been working 6-7 day weeks none stop so I haven't had much time for anything. B) Here are my problems. Isis is around 7 months old now. And up until now, she's been great. But she's started this habit of peeing everywhere but the little...
  2. jazmynn

    Need to Vent!!

    I am so annoyed/upset/angry right now I could cry and spit at the same time!!! I know this is going to sound TERRIBLY concieted of me and I'm going to sound selfish but I have a friend who is 19 years old. She is pregnant with her 3rd child!!!!! All I want is one and I can't seem to make that...
  3. jazmynn

    This is HILARIOUS!

    So Isis was sleeping next to my SO yesterday as I was leaving for work. He called me on my first break to inform me that Isis lifted her right leg straight up in the air "pooted" a very loud and unladylike "poot" and aimed it right at Daddy, I laughed till I cried. He said you could hear the...
  4. jazmynn

    Jades Eyes, AGAIN!

    So I had posted about thinking Jade had been scratched in the eye by Isis. I had called the vet and they told me the left over eye goop I had for Isis should clear up Jade's eye. It started working great and was almost completely healed, until yesterday. Now, BOTH eyes are gooped and the third...
  5. jazmynn

    My First design EVER! For Willie'sLove

    This is my first signature ever so I would appreciate feedback! Thanks.
  6. jazmynn

    lol! Indiana meet up?

    Anyone wanna do an Indiana meet up? lol. I would go to the Michigan one but I won't be able to make it that day! So any other Hoosiers wanna meet up?
  7. jazmynn

    This is cool!

    I went to the races Saturday night with my Dad and step mom. In the the street stock races, I saw a car who was sporting an Animal Sancutary! It may sound kind of stupid to most, but it's nice to see animals getting recognition around here! It's not something you see to often. Just thought I'd...
  8. jazmynn

    I'm ENRAGED! (If you read Worried for a friend, please read!)

    So I posted a thread on here about a friend of mine that is an abusive marriage. Last night she started working with me which I was excited about!!! She drove to my house and rode to work with me. (we had just palnned on doing this regularly!) On the way to my house she and her husband got into...
  9. jazmynn

    Stinky Kitty! Help!

    I just recently gave Isis a bath. We're talking last week time-ish. So I bathed her, got her all cleaned up and she smelled wonderfully! But now she smells horribly again! I don't know why, she grooms herself, Jade grooms her, and she is given regular baths. Is she just naturally stinky? Is...
  10. jazmynn

    Kitty Joke!

    SO tonight a lady at work told me this joke and I instantly thought of sharing it with you guys! A husband hated his wife's cat so much that he decided to take the cat 20 blocks away from their home while she was at the store. When the guy pulled into the drive, the cat had beat him home...
  11. jazmynn

    Worried for A Friend.

    So a close friend of mine R, has just gotten married to S, also a friend and one time co worker, back in march. R who is 17 and dropped out of highschool married S who was 18 and was kicked out of school for formulating a terrorist plot to take over our school we attended. (The FBI was even...
  12. jazmynn

    Scuba Diving Cat!!

    Is this amazing! lol.
  13. jazmynn

    Cat Reality Show? I'm not even joking. I would TOTALLY watch this. :/ lol
  14. jazmynn

    What's Your Occupation?

    Thought it would be neat to see just what exactly everyone here does for a living. I'll start first! I am a Braze Operator at a local factory that makes, prototypes, produces, seals and ships fuel lines for cars. We do GM to Ford to Isuzu to Chrysler products. I'm responsible for adding copper...
  15. jazmynn

    Where Can I Find Them?

    Since the eye incident with Jade, I want to get softnails for my cats. Any ideas where I can get them besides the website? I'd like to go to a place like petsmart, do they carry them? thanks.
  16. jazmynn

    Help Quick Please

    I noticed Jade favoring her left eye today before leaving for work, when I got home today hubby informed me that her eye has a scratch. Her eye is watering, she keeps cleaning it and the horrible thing is my next pay check goes ALL COMPLETELY to my rent. What do I do? Can I treat it at home...
  17. jazmynn


    I'm adult cat status now, but why don't I have more avatars to choose from and so forth? I'l like to get an avatar from another site and put it on here but I don't see a form to do so on my CP.. Help? Please?
  18. jazmynn

    Great News!

    I had posted about my foster kitty Garfield whom I was taking care of but was an outside cat. Our next door neighbors took this fiesty boy in and he now has a wonderful home next door. I love these kinds of endings!
  19. jazmynn

    Operation Road Rescue: Successful!

    Today MOH and I were driving home from town when I zoomed by a small round shell with a tail sticking out! Without hesitation I slowed my car, turned around and parked. I got out and put my four ways on and sure enough there sat a little tarpin (land turtle) in the middle of the road. So I got...
  20. jazmynn

    UGH MORE Potty Problems

    Isis knows how to use the litterbox. I'm quite sure of that. I praise her when she goes and in a matter of a week she was litter trained. SO WHY did she leave me a nice pile under the computer desk. It's very frustrating. Any thoughts?