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  1. H

    Kitty's got a rash

    I have a 5 year old over weight male cat , Ezekiel (Zeky). A while ago he began to lose small patches of hair on his hind end. at first I thought it was because he was too fat and was licking the same spots over and over, but the hair would grow back then fall out again. then he started...
  2. H

    Male cat very sick Please help!!!!

    I know its a little gross but Can I give him one. can't really afford a big vet bill
  3. H

    Male cat very sick Please help!!!!

    He is not using the litter box. All vets are closed it's the weekend
  4. H

    Male cat very sick Please help!!!!

    I have a 7 year old nuetered male cat. He is very sick.Thursday evening he started acting like he did not feel well and not eating or drinking. But he was breathing okay and had no signs of truama (cuts,scrathes,running nose sneezing). I took him the the vet friday they tested him for FeIV FIV...