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    Toilet Training my Kittens

    This is a great thread. Thanks for keeping us informed and for all the pictures. Tidy Cat better watch out!
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    Relocating Four Cats!!

    I drove across the country with a cat in a car. She was well behaved so we let her run around the back seat. Here maybe some helpful hints. During the day the cats will be too stressed to use the litterbox, so you may just offer them the litterbox at night. If they are fractious or stressed...
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    Does your cat...

    My cat is over 2 years old and kneads. I think all cats do it, as a natural beahavior. Mine tries to lay on top of the keyboard as I type. Also tries to head but my chin, but no sucking?
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    Will my cat be able to live indoors?

    You could cover the bottom of the windows so see is not able to see out? Maybe that would calm here down. When you leave you could lock here in one room so there is no daring for the door when you leave. Best wishes
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    Getting Scratched

    I agree, kittens are the worst. Volunteering in shelters and dealing with some of those cats is even more dangerous though!
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    Will she use a cat door?

    I think that's a great idea. She should use the door fine. It might be hard to find a door small enough to even keep the jack russel out? Are you a carpenter? Best wishes.
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    Litter box habit question

    Some cats just don't cover their poop. It is just a behavior they didn't learn. It is unsitely for us, but it doesn't bother the cat. You could put them in the litter box and use their paw to scratch at the litter to see if the cat picks up the habit. I don't think adding more litter boxes...
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    cheap climbing posts

    You could search google for them. It might be cheaper buying them from a local store, if you consider shipping?
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    Male cat yowling

    It could be breeding season in the neighborhood? Is he neutered?
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    Ahhh the teenage years

    My cat does the exact same thing. She only wants to be petted when she feels the need too. I used to feel bad, but now I ignore her when I'm busy, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done. Don't let your cat push you around, or determine your schedule, train them to yours.
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    Did my kitten learn that from his mom?

    Be grateful that the mother cat was sooo good. Otherwise you would have had a nightmare on your hands!
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    Cooper hissed!

    I agree, I probably wouldn't worry about it. He just wanted to stay outside eating grass. I can't blame him, I would rather be outside too! You could get some grass for him to eat on the inside, but maybe he just prefers to sit outside. Cheers.
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    The Days Before Labor/Birth...

    The plug is off white in color, soo, even if it gets on your carpet it should not stain, or at least not stain enough to be visible at a casual glance. Good luck. Have you had your vet examine your cat lately? They could provide more information about preping for a birth. Crystal
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    Thinking about getting Ripley a friend

    Going from a multi-cat environment to a single cat environment can be boring for him. You could provide more enrichment for the cat by rotating toys, and setting aside a set amount of time each day you're going to play with your cat. Getting another cat can lead to alot of problems. Good luck
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    When is a lump a "lump"?

    Good job making the appointment. The best part of going to the appointment is that then it will be off your mind. Otherwise, if you''re like me, you'll always be thinking about it. Good luck. Crystal
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    Question about Fixing my cat (neutering)

    A neuter is much less invasive than a spay which is major abdominal surgery, and there are no stiches. Most importantly the anesthesia is much shorter. A neuter only takes the vet a few minutes versus up to 30 minutes for a spay. Also, most vets will give pain medication, usually butorphanol...
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    Sick cat won't eat

    I would try warming up the food in the microwave so it is warmer. Cats seem to like that, and also the food is smellier that way too. If it has been a couple of day since going to the vet, I would take her back for more IV fluids. Nothing will perk up a cat faster than IV fluids. For now just...
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    Soft Claws - Any Photos & Advise Pls

    It takes at least two people to put them on. You could have your vet do it for you. The lenght of time they stay on is variable, some could come off right away. A few people that I know that use them really like them though. Crystal
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    Really wierd problem, has me stumped!

    Since it is on his hocks, maybe he got this from sitting? If there is no reddness I would just watch it, and the hair should grow back. I would be careful of steroid use in a male cat used for breeding. Crystal
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    Lethargic 5 month old kitten

    How did everything go? What kind of food are you feeding him? I would recommend soft canned cat food warmed up in the microwave for a few minutes, but not too hot. Crystal