Search Results

  1. H

    bad breath solutions?

    Hi all, My cat is having some stinky breath... is there anything out there to help with that? I have some dental treats for her teeth but haven't seen anything for breath. Thanks
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    Woah might have to give up my cat!

    Hi all! I'm visually impaired and have decided to get a guide dog well I went down to my apartments office and asked them how that would effect me having my kitty and she told me If i got a guide dog I'd have to get rid of my cat! Can they even DO that? Our lease does say we can only have one...
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    Separation Anxiety?

    anyone know?
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    Separation Anxiety?

    Hi Guys, I was a little worried about my kitty Faith I have been taking a summer class and be out alot lately due to mobility instruction at the blind association and so my kitty has been home alone for maybe 4 to 6 hrs by herself... When I come home she automatically runs out of my apartment...
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    Drying after a bath?

    Is it recommended to dry them as fast as possible after bathing? My little one if a long hair as well and she is also afried of the blow dryer so I just dry her with a towel as best as possible and let her do the rest.
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    My cat was spayed

    well the stitches are glue.. so I'm not sure
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    Cats and Balconies

    I don't let her on the balcony by herself she follows me everywhere hehe I wouldn't leave her out there.
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    Cats and Balconies

    I live on the 9th floor of my building and my little one comes out there with me and won't go near the end of the balcony. I have picked her up out there and she totally freaks out like I am going to throw her off or something haha.
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    My cat was spayed

    Hi guys! I got my cat spayed last week on the 24th and I'm not sure is there supposed to be a knot about an inch away from the green tattoo they put on them? As far as I can tell she isn't in pain nor does it look swollen... though I do have a visual impairment. My sister says it looks fine...
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    Hi All! My little kitty has taken a liking to my tea! will this hurt her at all? should I not let her drink it? I don't use sugar or anything it but it is flavored herbal teas.
  11. H

    What kind of brush

    I brush my kitty daily with a soft brissle brush I bought at walmart in the pet section. she doesn't seem to mind it as much as she did when i tried using a brush called Shed Ender. she didn't care for it to much.
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    Am I lucky or what!!

    aww he is sooo cute!! congrats! its ashame his previous owners abandoned him like that. Glad he is in good health too!
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    HARTZ Infusions Conditioning Shampoo (for cats and kittens)?

    Does Dawn leave there coats soft and shiny? After I bathe her she licks herself alot so that is why I get worried using stuff on her.
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    HARTZ Infusions Conditioning Shampoo (for cats and kittens)?

    So hartz is definately a horrible company to buy from? Dish soap doesn't hurt them? I'm new to having cats so I don't know much about this stuff. When i bathe she likes to sit on the tub and watch me but i am afraid she will fall in and the soaps and shampoo's I use could hurt her if she got in...
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    What does it mean if a cat gives "Kisses"?

    my kitty faith does this to me alot she is also a calico very loving kitty she is.
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    Feline Pine - how long does it last you?

    when i first got Faith i tried out this litter and she refused to go in it. So i got Scoop Away and it works for her just fine. good luck with this product.
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    HARTZ Infusions Conditioning Shampoo (for cats and kittens)?

    I bought this product to bathe my kitty with at walmart I've given her a bath with it maybe 4 times now... I got worried though after reading some horror stories on the net about hartz flea products. This isn't flea stuff and so far I haven't noticed any issues with her since I've used it. Has...
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    Wires.... ooo fun... ZAP

    I have a 3 month old kitten and she has descovered the many wires around my apartment! I can't tell if she is chewing them or not when behind the TV and stuff... many she is just batting at them but still. Most of my stuff is plugged into surge protectors so those tube things probably wouldn't...
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    New Kitty!

    Well I changed her litter and about 20 minutes ago she went pee in it when i put her in there. So I comensed her for it and gave her a treat so hopefully after while she will learn to use it.
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    New Kitty!

    Thanks, She is almost 3 mths old. She was born on Feb. 13th She is being a little notty kitty and not going in her litter box. I think it may have been the litter though I bought something called Feline Fresh it was pine litter or something but I went to walmart tonight and got some scoop away...