Search Results

  1. H

    Kitten Aggresion

    Hi, I have posted here before about my kitten. I have another question. My kitten is 6 weeks old and is a boy. He is the only pet we have in the house. We when first got him he was very well behaved, but now he is very aggressive with us. He keeps biting our fingers, legs, toes, and clothes. We...
  2. H

    Small amount of blood in Kitten's poo

    Hi. I just recently adopted an orphaned kitten. I brought him to the vet today and he told me he was healthy. Before the visit with the vet I was feeding him KMR milk. The vet told me my cat is 5 weeks old and that it is old enough to have some solid food mushed in with its KMR. I fed him KMR...