Search Results

  1. L

    Why? Why mean people?

    I don't think it is always out of people's meanness that cats end up in a shelter. For some, perhaps a family member became allergic or is asthmatic. The owner died or became too ill to care for the cat. The family moved perhaps became renters where cats are not allowed. Newly weds sometimes...
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    Learn Your Name

    I adopted Keaira kitty as an adult. The shelter didn't know what her name had been. They named her Nadia. She didn't respond to Nadia at all and I really wanted a different name for her anyway. After I decided on Keaira, I talked to her alot when petting her, playing with her saying her name...
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    Nutro Max and FF

    Thanks for the replys. I think I'll try the canned Nutro gourmet in place of FF once she finished off the cans we still have. Hopefully she won't prove to be finicky. I suppose some types of byproducts wouldn't be so bad since in the wild cats will eat these just in the course of eating the...
  4. L

    Why is she doing this?

    Yes, she wants to be with you. Or you be with her. My now departed Dickens kitty was the same way. It got so bad she'd yowl at the top of her lungs when I was just carrying in grocery bags to and fro the car. I worried the neighbors would think I was mistreating her or something. Well she was...
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    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for the welcomes! Pictures soon. I love to see everyones pictures too.
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    Nutro Max and FF

    I'll admit I didn't give the nutrition thing much thought, but maybe I could re-eval Keaira kitty's diet. I adopted her from the shelter about a year ago. They were feeding her Nutro Max Cat. Some of her paperwork, medical records from the shelter vet office, talked about her having a upper...
  7. L

    Do your kitty's ever want to play with you?

    Keaira kitty loves to play. She even knows a couple "play" related phrases. "Do you want to play?" She goes nuts because she knows we're going to play. And "where's your toy?" we hunt for her toy and I throw it, then she fetches it. and fetches and fetches.....The game of fetch can go on for...
  8. L

    cat toys

    Bubbles is fun. Keaira kitty has been enjoying that lately. Since she's a small cat, she likes the smallest or lightest of toys. Ping pong balls are great because they move with the slightest bat of a paw and make cool noises on the kitchen floor. She discovered, rather stoled, the plastic cap...
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    In memory of Tigger and Macy

    They are with Mama kittynow. Sorry for your losses.
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    Mama kitty-in Memory

    Sorry for your loss. Mama kitty must have been a very special kitty.
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    So sorry for everyone's loss....

    It is so hard to loose a cherished pet. I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy.
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    Whole family gone.

    I'll look for you other post, but it sounds just tragic so far. I'm so sorry for your loss(es).
  13. L

    My girl passed on

    So sorry to hear you lost your beloved girl. She sounds so special. Your post brought a tear to my eye on so many different levels. What pretty girl she it. thanks for showing her picture.
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    Tribute to Chandler

    Sorry to hear about Chandler's passing. He sounds like he was a wonderful cat.
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    Deeply grieving Caleb

    What a beautiful boy your Caleb was. Thanks for showing his pictures. I'm sorry to hear you lost him. The crook on the tail seems a very special trait indeed. My departed Dickens kitty had a little one too, right on the tip. She will always have a special place in my heart the way Caleb will...
  16. L

    Lost a special cat....

    I'm sorry for your loss. Your post was hard to read and touched me. Casper sounds like a special cat.
  17. L

    Hi everyone!

    Keaira kitty has been with me for one year now. She was a shelter cat I adopted....or rather, she adopted me. When I stopped in the shelter one day to peek at the 25 or so cats and kittens, Keaira just wouldn't leave me alone. She followed and pestered me, going so far as to push her way past...