Search Results

  1. S

    The Toilet Paper Theif

    My Kiddins dont really mess around in the bathroom(anymore). They used to play with the TP, and pull to drain plug thing out of the sink, but now they will just sit on the toilet and watch the water droplets roll down the shower doors and swat at them:laughing: My husband calls Miko "Miko the...
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    Mary Anne

    SO glad evryone is OK, I hope Mary Ann finds Ripley..I am sure the scared Kitty is just hiding I also hope her house/barn/shop aren't to wrecked My thoughts are with you:daisy: Tracey:rainbow:
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    Pix of Sammy & Mikko

    Thanks Guys I love them so MUCH! And Yes, they are brother & sister Tracey:rainbow:
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    Pix of Sammy & Mikko

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    my little girl is gone

    So Sorry for your loss, I know it's hard but getting another one soon might help. When I had to put my horse to sleep after ten wonderful years with her...I was a complete mess! For months I cried But I had 2 other horses at the time and that definatley anyway. Remember all the good...
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    Dog Bite

    I recommend Tufts in Grafton Mass. as well, I've had a couple of my horses out there and they are WONDERFUL! Sorry I don't know the number either. Good Luck, I hope it works out for ya. So sorry about Shandy But it looks like the new kitty was sent for a reason Tracey:rainbow:
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    Another Little Ham In The Family...

    AAAWWWWWW!SO cute! I could look at pic's of cats all day...Your kitties look so lovable Tracey:rainbow:
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    Eighties music

    I LOVE 80's music, my girlfriends and I saw Bon Jovi like 6 times in High school(yes we looked like hookers with HUGE HAIR for the shows). I love Metallica too! Seen them like 3 times-THEY ROCK LIVE!!! But my ALL TIME FAV is of course LED ZEPPLIN! Tracey:rainbow:
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    I met a cat with no teeth

    I guess I am on the fence on this case...On the one hand, I would NEVER do it to my cats(declaw or detooth) but I am very lucky that they dont scratch or bite at all. If your friend was seriously wounded by this cat more than once, and tried EVERYTHING to make it stop, I guess I can kinda see...
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    Kitty lying on her back

    Both my cats lay on their backs all the time. Miko even lays on her back on me, under my chin all steched out,while i sleep and she purrs and purrs. I love waking up to cute, furry little creatures. SAmmy will just lay in the middle of the floor on his back like"come on ya know you want to pat...
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    Introducing myself

    HI Welcome to the catsite. I am new here too, everyone is very helpful and friendly. How long have you had the newest cat? Definatley try what Deb said. Once they adjust to the new cats scent it maybe easier for her to be accepted. Tracey:rainbow:
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    It's that time of year...

    I am dreaming of my pool..I miss laying there in the hot sun! I dont have much of a green thumb, so I dont plant much, just pansies and some stuff like that. What's up with your mom? Is she sick? Hope Not! Tracey:rainbow:
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    Don't you wish they stayed small(sometimes)?

    I know what you mean, My Kittens are 7 months old. Last night I watched them jump on the chair and thought...just a couple months ago they would take a running leap and still barley catch the chair Now they are as tall as the chair and easliy jump up. My husband says they have a cats body and...
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    Patriots Champions Parade!!!

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    Patriots Champions Parade!!!

    YYYAHHHHHH PATS!!! I wish I was there too...Janet lets slip out of work and go NOW!!!!!Right....too cold I am soo pumped I agree...BRADY IS HOT Trace:rainbow: P.S. How do you get those pic's under your name on the left
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    Plays Fetch

    No they didn't, Thank God! We noticed them missing right away and they wont get them again! It was a few months ago. Now they get mostly balls! And BOXES, they LOVE boxes! They eat alot of things actually now that I think of it. We have this long stringy toy and Miko was playing with it one...
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    Plays Fetch

    I'd be careful with those little furry kitties ate them, ALL! that cant be good!! We looked and looked and looked all over the house, they are gone! NAUGHTY KIDDINS!!!:disturbed Tracey:rainbow:
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    What Other Kind of Pets do You Have?

    I have my 2 kiddins, Sammy & Miko, 7 months old, 2 rabbits(had 3 but 1 died the day before my husband got laid off...that was a great week)Merlin & Gwen, and my horse Teddy he is a 22 year old Apploosa. I LOVE all my animals so much and have had Teddy the longest(15yrs). Tracey:rainbow:
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    FIV advice and help please

    So Sorry about your kitty Claudia Such a bummer! George, glad to hear your kitty is doing better Tracey
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    DT for Feb4th, Monday

    YAH PATS!!!!!stayed up WAY to late celebrating with my friends! So much fun! My house is trashed, but THE PATS WON It's a beautiful day!!(U2 rocked too!!) Tracey:rainbow: