Search Results

  1. K

    Natural Balance and smelly poo!

    Hello, I'm wondering if, in the wake of the pet food contamination issues, Natural Balance have changed their formula? My cat has been on the NB reduced calorie dry formula for over 2 years now - it takes her ages to get through a big bag, so I've only recently needed to buy her a new bag...
  2. K

    Meowme Sleepy Pod

    Hello, I'm thinking of treating my kitty (OK, me) to a meowme sleepy pod for Christmas - does anyone have any experiences of them: good / bad? Especially how easy it is to convert it from bed to carrier? And whether the heated blanket is just a gimmick - or worth having...
  3. K

    Open mouthed purr / laboured breathing - allergies?

    Hello, I think my kitty may have allergies?? Or maybe it's something else? She's always been quite a sneezy cat, will do sniff, sniff sneeze quite often, when she's checking out objects around the house... About 2 weeks ago, she had a cold (brought on by stress, I think - her pet sitter...
  4. K

    Sausage shaped sick (I'm sorry!)

    Hello, I got up this morning to find that Tilly had been sick right next to her food bowls. I thought at first she'd done poos, as they were brown and sausage shaped - but when I cleaned it up, I realised it was sick. Might this be hairballs - there was defintely hair in there, but not matted...
  5. K

    Should I take the cat to work??

    I constantly worry about the kitty all day long when I'm at work - about whether she might be lonely / too hot / managed to bake her head in the micowave / scared herself silly about something and 1000 other things - and I've just been told that I can bring her in to work with me and keep her in...
  6. K

    In Memory of Indigo

    I've just joined the site, after adopting my new cat Tilly but wanted to spare some thoughts for my first, dear fluffy friend Indie - a beautiful persian blue, who died two years ago after 12 purr-fect summers. Poor Indie - he was my first cat and happily tolerated all my novice cat-owning...
  7. K

    Kitty yoga?!, I have a bit of a strange one! My 2 year old kitty, Tilly, does strange yoga moves when I pet her . She'll lie on her back or on her side and, when I stroke her, she starts rhthymically stretching out her front paws above her head -...
  8. K


    Hello Everyone! I'm another newbie - but have been scouring this site for info and advice almost daily since adopting my beautiful 2 year old kitty, Tilly (short for Tigerlilly) a month ago. She came down with a nasty cold literally the day after I got her and I've been such a worrier about...