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  1. W

    What IS this? Need advice, please.

    Excuse me if I seem paranoid, but I've had some bad luck with cats lately. My kitten (5 months) was kneeding my blanket with his paws like crazy for about 5 minutes, then he curled up and made a smelly spot on it. He then proceeded to lick around the spot rub his face around it. The spot was...
  2. W

    he made a smelly

    Excuse me if I seem paranoid, but I've had some bad luck with cats lately. My kitten (5 months) was kneeding my blanket with his paws like crazy for about 5 minutes, then he curled up and made a smelly spot on it. He then proceeded to lick around the spot rub his face around it. The spot was...
  3. W

    What age do they calm down?

    Its been a long time since my last cat was a kitten, and I dont remember. What age do they start being cats and not kittens? When do they start calming down and not being as mischievious?
  4. W

    What does spray smell like?

    Does cat spray smell the same as urine? As very strong smelling urine? Or something else entirely?
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    Eyelid problem?

    I mentioned this problem in an unrelated thread on the picture forum, and now it has me kind of concerned. Artoo's inner eyelid, the pink/grey part on the inside edge of his eyes, cover a third of his eyeball quite often. It usually covers more when he's sleepy, but it often covers 1/3 of his...
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    My cat, Kance, died a week ago. I have never lost anyone I loved and it was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. He was only 8 years old, and he wasn't sick. When I left for work in the morning he was fine, chasing me around the house. When I came home I found him laying on the floor...
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    What breed is my cat?

    Anyone know what breed(s) my cat might be? Here are some pics.
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    Feeding 5 month old

    How often should I feed my kitten? I am trying to feed him before I go to work and after I get home so I can schedule his litter box times to make sure he's going where he's supposed to. Is this good or should i be feeding him more or less often?
  9. W

    Should I put the litter box in the basement?

    I live in a 2 story house with a basement. I can't really have the litter box on the main or top floor, but I'm afraid my 5 month old cat isn't going to want to make the trip to the basement if he's on the top floor. Right now the box is in my bedroom, which is undesirable to me for obvious...
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    My cats ear is full of blood.

    I just noticed that my cat's ear is full of dried blood. He isnt acting any differently than usual. I am thinking it may have been caused by my kitten. The kitten is very rough with my cat and my cat is very docile. I tried to clean the dried blood, but it seems to be pretty deep in there. I...
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    New kitten house training issue

    Hey all. I got my kitten a week ago. She was fine for the first few days, and the last few days she's been peeing wherever she wants. She has a clean litter box that is readily available. Any ideas how I can get her to stop going out of her litter box?
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    Eye goobers

    Hey all. I usually use silica bead litter because my cat is pure white and clay litter makes him very dirty. A few months ago, however, I ran out of litter and happened to have a bunch of clay litter from an ex-roommate, so I decided to use the last of it. After a few days my cat developed...
  13. W

    What breed is my cat?

    Hey all. I got my cat about 7 years ago. I've never known what breed he is. Can anyone help me out? Here are a couple of pics: