Search Results

  1. C

    Removing stubborn caked-in fur from furniture

    We have a couch with sort of a woven upholstery, and the cat fur sticks and tangles into it. I have vacuumed it, used lint rollers, duct tape, those rubber-brush things, etc. Every time I get a lot of fur off, but there's still a lot left. Any ideas for removing for that's tangled into the...
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    How to "unlearn" a litterbox location?

    My 2 (brother/sister, 2yrs old) cats have always used a litterbox in the basement, and they've never had a problem peeing anywhere inappropriate (except for the occasional illness). Recently one of them was in the hospital for a urinary blockage, and we had to confine him to the upstairs...
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    Pregnant Wife, avoiding toxoplasmosiwhatzit

    Just found out my wife is pregnant and I don't want to take any chances with this toxocalifragilistic thing. Of course I'll be taking over litter box duty (it was mostly my job anyway). Our cats our indoor cats and as far as I know we've had no mice, so I suspect the risk is rather small...
  4. C

    Getting pee out of cloth?

    What does everybody use to get pee smells out? As I mentioned in a recent post, one of our cats has just peed (not sprayed) on our bed. We had to throw away a very expensive comforter, sheet set, and mattress pad (recent wedding gift). A few years ago I had to throw away a mattress because of...
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    Brand new inappropriate peeing problem

    I have two kittens (10 months old, male and female littermates) that have always used the litter box fastidiously. All of the sudden in the last few days, the male of them has begun peeing (not spraying) in the wrong places -- usually on a pile of clothes, but once on a plastic garbage bag...
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    Cat-proof Dog Doors and/or fences?

    My wife and I just bought our first house, and we hope to get a dog this spring. Due to our unpredictable and often late-night schedules, we will need to install a dog door for the back door. We have two indoor kittens (11 months old). Is there any kind of "cat-proof" dog door that will allow...
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    New house, where are my kittens peeing?

    We just moved from a small apartment into a house, and I've noticed a sudden drop in the amount of pee in the litterbox (2 kittens, 11 months old). I've searched the house and I haven't noticed any puddles or strong pee smell... Is it possible they're just peeing less because of nervousness...
  8. C

    Interior doors to keep kitties from bolting?

    My kittens love to run out the door when we come home. We discourage it, but sometimes they manage to get past us. Right now we're living in an apartment so they can only run out into the vestibule. But next week we're moving to a house where the front door opens to the outdoors. We live in...
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    Flushing Fresh Step Scoopable?

    I've been using the Arm and Hammer flushable stuff, but I just bought a bin of Fresh Step scoopable litter, just to try it out. Does anyone flush this litter? The directions say not to flush, but they also say you shouldn't flush *any* litter, so maybe they're just playing it safe. If anyone...
  10. C

    Long car travel with 2 kittens?

    Hi, I have had two kittens for about 2 months now. They are about 6 months old. So far they are 100% litter trained and reasonably well behaved (they get into everything and they wrestle vigorously all around the apartment, sometimes knocking things over, but they are not aggressive towards...
  11. C

    Keeping kitty out of my water cups?

    This may be one I'll never win, but I thought maybe someone might have some advice. I drink a lot of water, and I always have a cup of water out on my coffee table. The new kittens, naturally, are always trying to stick their heads in it. Usually they end up knocking it over and spilling...
  12. C

    All the sudden pooping problem

    Hi, I've had my two 4-month old kittens for about a week and a half. So far they have been very good about the litterbox. Always used it, never made any mistakes or went to the bathroom anywhere else. For the first week or two, we're keeping them in the bathroom at night while we sleep, just...
  13. C

    Dealing with insistent behavior?

    New kitten owner here (2 kittens, male and female, littermates -- 4 months old, adopted about a week ago). I've never had cats before so I'm not sure how to deal with it when they get very very insistent about behavior no matter how much I try to stop them. For example, my roommate spilled...
  14. C

    Making peace with new kitty?

    One of my new kittens (I've had him 1 week, he's 4 months old) has been very cuddly and friendly with me this week. This morning he started attacking the button on my shirt. I know it wasn't malicious, but I felt I needed to teach him that it's not right to pounce on any part of me. I firmly...
  15. C

    Keeping kittens off of the laptop?

    Hi, I do a lot of work from home, so I spend a lot of time working on my laptop. I have two new kittens (4 months old, in my home for about 3 days). Overall they're very well behaved, but of course they are curious about my laptop. When they try to climb on the keyboard, I gently remove them...
  16. C

    New kittens -- scratch post training?

    Hi, We just got two 4-month old kittens (Ella and Mingus). We've only had them a few hours and so far they are very well behaved--using the litterbox and everything. Ella seems to like scratching on the carpet. We've just been calmly picking her up when this happens and moving her to the...
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    Toilet Training / Citikitty / etc?

    Hi, I'm about to adopt my first kitten. It will probably be a baby or very young. I was thinking about picking up a citikitty for toilet training (we have a small apartment and there's no good place for a litter box that won't either get stepped in or stink up the place). Has anybody had a...
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    Advice for a first timer?

    Hi, My fiancee and I are planning to adopt a kitten next month. I have never had a pet in my life, and she has only had dogs. Any advice on a book or a website or something that will walk us through all the basic necessities (i.e. food, feeding, training, health, etc.)? Also, any advice...