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  1. T

    The big "how many" question!

    My zoe is 6 weeks into her pregnancy. It is now officially noticeable that she's pregnant, her belly is not too big but it shows. As you all know she's a Russian blue and this is her first pregnancy. I find myself constantly occupied with the "how many" question and so I wanted to ask you...
  2. T

    Pregnancy And Stud Questions :)

    Hello people, been a while since I've last visited. I'm going through stressful yet joyful days. Zoe my Russian Blue Queen is officially pregnant. She's in her 4th week and her nipples are gettin' bigger and pinker everyday LOL I have some questions to you guys, will be happy to hear...
  3. T

    Should I seperate?

    Zoe and Kenzo, my Russian blues, have been mating all week long for the first time in their lives. The mating is very intensive and Zoe is very very much in heat. It happens a few times during the day and even more during night I believe. My question is, she probably conceived on the first two...
  4. T

    Zoe's pregnant! Here are some pictures!

    Visit my website it's for my cats full pictures!!!!!! :-))