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  1. W

    Happy to meet you

    They are getting along fine now, only took a few days. They sleep together now :0) Wendy Thanks all
  2. W

    Happy to meet you

    Hi all, We, (myself, hubby, 8yr old daughter) are a two cat family. We got Sassy first, she 10-11 mths old. ( adopted from a shelter)We just got Oliver last night. Oliver is a 8 wk old kitten (adopted from a friend. Sassy is very aggressive towards the kitten. Hopefully she will adjust. I...
  3. W

    Cat rejecting new kitten

    Hi!, We have a 10-11 month old cat, Sassy(female), adopted from a shelter. Sassy is alone all day, so we adopted a male kitten,(oliver, 8 weeks) from a friend, to keep her company. Just brought him home last night. Sassies nose is out of joint! She attacks the kitten constantly. Biting...