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  1. C

    Cat rubbing it's head on furniture...?

    My cat has been rubbing his head on all kinds of furniture - almost like he's scratching an itch - but it seems constant and on both sides of his head. Is this a symptom of ear mites? or some other health problem? Any information would be really appreciated.
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    Air conditioning for kitties on hot days

    Hi - This is my first summer with my cats, who are almost 1 year old. I am wondering how often to leave the air conditioning on all day for them when I am gone. I want to take care of them well, and also need to be careful not to run up a huge ac bill. I live in the Midwest where it can be...
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    I'm afraid to use a harness!!!!!

    Hi - I'd REALLY like for my cats to be able to go out, but I live in a city near traffic. I'm afraid of them getting out of their harnesses! Has your cat ever gotten out of its harness? I'm really curious to hear... I have the "Size-Right" kind from Petsmart, made of nylon webbing (3/4 inch...
  4. C

    Best Harnesses to Buy?

    Do you know the best kind of harness to buy? I bought one that was recommended at a pet shop and is adjustable, but once while I was getting my cats used to it indoors, one of them managed to squirm out of it. It was the first time I put it on, so it could be that it wasn't adjusted close enough...
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    Introducing my cats to their cousin, the dog?

    My brother has a dog and we want to introduce him to my two cats. He is a big dog, but really sweet (and he is a dog!) What is the best way to do this? If they play together, I am concerned the cats may hurt him with their claws, or he may bite them, etc. But we want the cousins to meet each...
  6. C

    Countertops and tables

    I have 2 kittens, 8 months old. They've always climbed on the counters and tables, and I never was successful in getting them to stop, so eventually I just gave up. But they do always want to eat my food while I'm preparing and cooking it (I don't let them, but it's annoying) and I wish they...
  7. C

    Bach Rescue Remedy really calms them down!

    I just started using Bach's Rescue Remedy yesterday, in preparation for getting them neutered. I read in a holistic book for pets that it can be helpful in treating stress, or healing from surgery, etc. In just one day, it really seems to be working! They seem much calmer and less aggressive...
  8. C

    Need advice! How soon do I need to neuter???

    I have 2 kittens, 5 months old. One of them is showing sexual-type behavior and his urine has changed odor recently. How soon do I need to neuter him before he starts ro spray? I was planning to get it done after Jan 1st, but it will be at least 5 days from now - maybe more...I was supposed to...