Search Results

  1. P

    Sick kittens

    This guy was giving away kittens ( I know thats NEVER a good thing) However I had to take the two kittens. They are 6 weeks and 9 weeks old. They have clear but runny eyes. I know they need to go to the vet however my vet can not see them until Tuesday!!! I have had them for only 3 hours and one...
  2. P

    Help me win this bet with hubby!

    Hubby bet me a very quiet night alone by myself without him and kids if I can do this so now I need everyones help!!! (I never have time alone. I can't even go to the bathroom alone in this house lol) He said it is impossiable to make dinner for $15-$20. I have to buy everything needed. I can...
  3. P

    Substitute teaching?

    Does anyone know what background is needed to become a substitute teacher?
  4. P

    potato soup??

    For the first time the other day while out I had potato soup! That is all I crave now. Does anyone have a good recipe for potato soup?
  5. P

    This is NOT happening!

    I need a major vent! It all started yesterday. The sewage company is doing something in the neighborhood. Well all of a sudden my sinks, dishwasher, washing machine and toilet all started to back up all in my house! Then my 5 year old starts throwing up with the flu! Half her class has it. So...
  6. P

    I had the worst fear...

    Yesterday my 9 year old daughter gets off the bus screaming and crying like I never seen her before. The bus drives takes off. My 5 year old is NOT there!!! My daughter said she was not on the bus and the driver said I don't care . All the other 6 kids on that stop kept saying she wouldnt even...
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    I don't know if it is ok to post this here. I just wanted to let my sister, Meghaan know I am thinking of her. Her ferret Jo-Jo just passed. He was a great little sport. He will be sadly missed.
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    What now?

    I have been a stay at home mom for 12 years. My youngest started school Wed. So for Wed and Thursday I had my sister come over so we could get some house stuff done. Well today is the first day I am home alone. The kids have been gone only 10 min and I am in tears!! I just realized I don't even...
  9. P

    Can I bath him?

    My kitten is 4 months old. He went to be fixed 3 weeks ago. Once he got home I realized he smelled. I figured he would take care of that but he still stinks. He loves to sleep by me and hubbys head however the smell is gross. What can I bath him with? He loves water so that wont be a problem!
  10. P

    Picture question

    How do I put the picture of my cat in a post not using a link? I have photobucket but I am not sure how to work everything?
  11. P

    Post-op question????????????????

    My two boys (Jack and Lil' Man) were neutered yesterday. These are the first pets I have had done. (their mama cat and sisters go Monday) The post-op papers state no running, playing and jumping for 7-10 days! Well yesterday I kept them in a small room to rest. This morning when I went to go...
  12. P

    Ear Tipping & Tattoing????????

    I had my kittens Neutered today well they also trimmed their nails and they got their rabies shot. As I was leaving the vet tech. asked me if I wanted their ears tipped. I was clueless she said thats incase they get out and a animal shelter picks them up they know their neutered. Well my kitten...
  13. P

    I am so worried!

    I am freaking out! My sister was born with a rare disorder there is only like 20 in the world. I will explain later! She wasnt supose to live past one well she is now 20!!!! My parents just rushed her to the hospital she was sick but now she is throwing up blood. I am so scared and worried! Just...
  14. P

    S/N update for today

    Their was a emergancy problem at my vets and they asked to reschedule some of the spays. I was bringing in all the kittens and mama. So today he is doing the two males and Monday he is doing the females. I feel so bad because Tiny (mama cat) has been crying and looking everywhere for her missing...
  15. P

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Well tomorrow morning I am bringing Mama cat and all her kittens to get fixed! I hope everything goes well as I have never done this before and don't know what to expect! However I wanted them all to be S/N before going to their forever homes.
  16. P

    Am I?

    I don't know if anyone remembers the post I wrote about my time alone night with hubby and how it was ruined Well we did end up spending time alone at 3am that night. Then today I was sitting here not feeling good and having time to myself since I have been stressed this week with my girls and...
  17. P

    I don't know what to do anymore!

    I am at a loss! I do not know what to do about my stress level. This past week my children have turned into messy, spoiled, not listening devils! They are 11,9 and 5. My house is turned upside down from them. They have cleaned up the same rooms over and over 3 to 5 times a day yet to still mess...
  18. P

    Clawing please help!

    I am having a hard time trying to get my kittens to NOT claw my brand new sofa set. They have things to claw but my hubby is getting very angry! Is there anything else I can do to make them stop besides saying NO and moving them to their scratching post?
  19. P

    Food bowl question

    I just read where someone said plastic food bowls are not good to use. I might have read it wrong but is that true? Thats what I am using now! Should I change?
  20. P

    Quick question

    I am taking the cat and kittens to be S/N. I got this cat while she was pregnant and I have never had to deal with this before. (Their my first pets) I understand what will be done for the females. What is done to the males? Do males recover quickly? Do they have many stitches? I need to know...