Search Results

  1. M

    kitten loose stools

    We adopted 2 kittens after we had to put our beloved Tinker to sleep. They are now 5 mo. old. They are healthy and have been to the vet several times. Problem is loose stolls which may have been caused by wet food (vet said it was possible). Question is can I give them something like kaopectate...
  2. M

    hair loss

    This morning I found many clumps of fur on the floor from my baby Tinker. She is almost 15 yrs old. She has hyperthyroidism which she has daily meds. She also show slightly elevated kidney blood tests and we are giving her fluids sug-Q 200cc every other day. She semms fine, eating well, active...
  3. M

    weight loss

    First I want to thank all those who responded to my kidney failure question.My baby, Tinker, is now taking fluids with some persuasion and we will keep her healthy. I have another kitty, Clyde, who has hyperthyroid. He is on medication daily but he has lost a lot of weight. He looks so scrawny...
  4. M

    kidney failure

    recently told by vet that my cat's kidney functions were elevated. I do have the lab work print outs. He told me to give her fluids via a needle inserted into her back. She is not showing any physical signs of kidney failure. Just wondering what others think