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    Brothers =(

    Going to try to keep this short: I adopted my two cats from the animal shelter about three years ago. I was only looking to adopt one boy cat but I found two cats from the same litter locked up in the same cage because they "couldn't be separated." The mother and the rest of the litter were...
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    Does your cat like to be picked up?

    I like to pick my cats up and pretend like we're dancing. They HATE it. I can see it in their eyes. But I feed them and clean their poop so I get to do what I want.
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    He wont stop talking!!!

    They don't really understand what "Shut up" means, so they're most likely just registering the fact that you're actually responding...which will only encourage them to meow more. I just ignore them completely when they meow and now they resort more to nudging or swiping my legs to get my...
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    Marley is driving me to fix it?

    So...remember when you were a kid and you were amped up ALL the time and running into walls and making a big mess of things? It's the same for kittens. Right now he is PUMPED up and there's nothing you can do about it. I got my cats from the shelter when they were two months old. I didn't...
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    advantage or frontline

    Advantage is easier to apply. I've wasted applications of Frontline because I think the packaging is kind of funky and hard to apply. It's not really a squeeze sorta just dig it in there and wait for the liquid to drop out. But otherwise, I'm not a cat, so I don't know which one...
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    Best way to clip nails?

    The secret is in having confidence. Cats are very sensitive to your state of being, so if you're panicky about getting clawed, they'll go insane. I realized this one night when I had one too many to drink and decided to clip my cats nails. Something about the martinis I had made me clip their...
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    Does anyone know anything about Nutro cat food?

    I use it and I think it's awesome because their poop comes out really well. When I was feeding them IAMS, it was like feeding a group of high schoolers McDonalds...lots of runny poop.
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    When your cat is picky, what's a good "sure-bet" wet food?

    I find that it's important to just whet their appetite. Whenever I come home with a bucket of KFC, my cats go INSANE. I swear there's catnip in KFC (Extra Crispy, of course) cause they'll start bouncing off the walls. But then I totally deny them any of my chicken and they eat up all their...
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    Would you get a male or female?

    I'm going to put my vote in for a male cat as well. It's completely sexist, but I think boy cats are much more laid back, which is exactly what I'm looking for in a cat who's gonna be my buddy and partner in crime. This might also be a completely sexist comment, but I think girl cats meow and...
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    Stuff Around the Butt

    Yah, so like the title says, there's some stuff around the butt! And it's not poop. I thought maybe it looked like little litter bits stuck to the end, so at first I just wiped it off. Then I remembered someone saying that if there's little white stuff around the butt, it could be eggs! Is...
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    D-R-A-M-A queen!

    Maybe you should stop picking at her acne. When I was a teen and my mom picked my acne, I would bite her hand, so I don't imagine that it would be too different a reaction to have for a cat.
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    Alpha Cat

    So, I was wondering... there are all these pet shows out there that show home owners how to dish out punishment on your furry friends so they know who to respect and how to train them. I don't watch T.V., so I was wondering if any of you know any shows or literature that inform you on how to...
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    agressive cat

    Oooh, I'm gonna bump this cause I'm curious about it too. Why don't animal shelters let you "test drive" a cat before you take them home? I mean, I need to make sure that this little rescue kitten isn't gonna be beat up all the time by my other two meanie cats. Don't cats choose their...
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    T or F: cats who don't cover their business in the litterbox are dominant cats.

    Speaking of dominance, does the dominant cat always eat first? Seems to be the other way around with the two of mine, Demetrius seems to "let" Chiron have the first go. Either that, or I'm misevaluating the winner of their daily brawls.
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    Why is my cat bringing me stuff?

    My cats don't bring me anything...
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    Well of the Porcelain Gods

    My cats are addicted to toilet water which I find totally disgusting, but it seems to be the only water that they really love to slurp up. I try to change their water bowl at least twice a day now to keep things "fresh," but they only drink outta there if it's the last resort, i.e. me closing...
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    Kitten biting me

    I used to worry about this with my two boy cats. They both are very violent, adept scrappers, so biting my hand is nothing new to them! I had considered buying toy gloves and/or discouraging them from biting at all... But then I realized.. Well, it's really not that big of a deal! Of...
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    Eeeek! Patches of Lost Hair!

    Hi Gang, I'm really worried about Chiron! I just came back from a month and a half in New York shooting a film and he has patches of fur missing from his belly and back of his legs. Him and his brother, Demetrius, were staying at a friend's place where I know they were being taken good care...
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    How does your spouse (or SO) feel about your cat(s)?

    I wouldn't underestimate an animal's, any animal's, charm on human beings. I sincerely believe that there is an innate part of us that can find love in animals, even cats, despite their sometimes dodgy reputation. Confession: I used to hate cats! =O I used to think they were stuck up and...
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    How Many Poops in a day?

    OMG, I have extremely poopy kittens then! I would say they go at least 3 times a day! I noticed, however, that the issue of age has come up quite a bit on this thread. Does that mean cats poop less as they get older? If that's the case, I can't WAIT.