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  1. L

    Vomiting-Vet told me to switch food

    I have had an ongoing problem with my cat vomiting every 3-4 days, it's all due to hairball. Took him to the vet and told me to stop using Berkley and Johnson cat food. What would you consider one of the better cat dry foods out there?
  2. L

    My cat has a problem leaving smears

    Hello, Every time my cat goes to the litter box, he seems to leave a smear of his waste on everything he sits or lays on afterwards, I don't know if his hair in the back should be cut or there is some sort of problem . Can anyone help? Thanks (Smear is always white when it dries)
  3. L

    What's the best cat litter?

    Hello, I am looking for a good cat litter that has very little dusy, right now I';m using Exquisicat which is really horrible for dust, any suggestions? Thanks