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  1. L

    Funny question...

    Phewwww! They certainly can. For such small creatures they can pass a lot of it too. Most often happens after a cat has eaten something it shouldnâ€8482t, dairy products or carbohydrates. Larry.
  2. L

    Cat with Mental Condition

    A friend of mine has a Great Dane, OK thatâ€8482s not a cat but the point is it just does not like me. Despite its size, itâ€8482s a very friendly animal, gentle and very tolerant with kids. Seems to get on with everybody else but not for some reason me. Hope that your mom has better luck...
  3. L

    Anyone else have a cat that likes ......

    Thatâ€8482s cute. Iâ€8482ve never seen, or rather heard, a cat toy that meows. Perhaps itâ€8482s because cats generally reserve ‘meowsâ€8482 for humans. Her brothers donâ€8482t meow at her. Larry.
  4. L

    Opinion please

    This is just my opinion of course. Although there are plants that are potentially poisonous for cats herbal remedies are not likely to be made from them, in the same way that there is much plant life that is poisonous for us humans yet we eat vegetables, vegetation and take herbal remedies...
  5. L

    My cat is sick - prayers please

    Prayers for you both from me too.
  6. L

    The Grumpy old fart!!

    He, he, when I read ‘Grumpy old fart’ I thought the post must be referring to me! Yes we do tend to get a little cantankerous as we age. Your old fart does seem to take the biscuit though. Mind you, I was nearly as bad when my doctor’s receptionist phoned to tell me I had got a long awaited...
  7. L

    Male cat humping other male cats

    I agree itâ€8482s a dominance thing (nothing to do with sexual orientation). Neutering may stop it or may not. Please do get your cats neutered though for a whole lot of other good reasons.
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    I've lost him already! :S

    Great that the little fellow showed up. First places I would look would be the dangerous ones, washing machine, tumble dryer, refrigerator.
  9. L

    How do you sleep with your cat in the room?

    How do you sleep with your cat in the room? How could a cat sleep with me in the room? I donâ€8482t think my Basil even attempted to sleep in the same room as me. I do push out the ZZZZZâ€8482s rather loudly Iâ€8482m told. Basil used to be out for most of the night. Sometimes though Iâ€8482d...
  10. L

    Kitten v. Old cat - introductions not going well

    Hi Bellanekochan, I agree that itâ€8482s a good idea to make Oreo feel a little special, so that her nose is not to far out of joint with the newcomer Keep making the introduction slowly and likely itâ€8482ll come right. Larry.
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    Meowing while I'm on the phone

    My Basil used to do that. I agree that a lot of cats seem to think that you are talking to them when you are on the phone. To them itâ€8482s logical I suppose, after all often there are no other humans present, so you must be talking to them. For a long time I kept the old bell ring phone...
  12. L

    Does your cat ever stand on your head?

    Lol. Iâ€8482ve never had a cat climb on my head, but cats go pretty much where they want to go. I do remember seeing a cartoon (I think it was a wall poster,) of a small boy with several scratches on his face. The caption was “Donâ€8482t put a cat on your head!†Bit of a difference though...
  13. L

    Hello, first post here.

    Wow! Even more friendly welcome messages. Thank you all so much, Iâ€8482m already feeling quite at home here. Larry.
  14. L

    Should He Stay or Should He Go?

    What a great thread this is, lots of very useful advice to try and solve the problem. I agree that it would be wise to rule out any medical cause for the catâ€8482s sudden toilet problem. Cats can unexpectedly start ignoring their litterbox and going in the strangest of places for a thousand...
  15. L

    What do you have as your computer screen wallpaper right now?

    I have my three grandchildren on my wallpaper. It will have to be changed though ‘cause there is another grandchild coming (yippe!). Some folks have the things they want to attract as their wallpaper, Bently, rose covered house in the country, yacht etc. Hey! Maybe that works! I have my...
  16. L

    scratching the door...and licking in the night..

    Hi Ksakkos, I could be wrong here but I wouldnâ€8482t think that Luke would associate the sprayed water with his scratching as the door would already be opened and he would have stopped scratching. The inexplicable (to him) jet of water would have to hit him when he is scratching, so he makes...
  17. L

    New kitty "dry heaving"

    Hi Allysmom, Tuxedos are terrific looking cats, congratulations on your new kitty. Itâ€8482s great that your vet said that nothing is wrong. Iâ€8482m sure I read somewhere that dry food can cause retching / dry heaving. Larry.
  18. L

    Using soft paws on older cats

    Hi Bab-ush-niik, On the SoftPaws web site they have a testimonial from the owner of a fourteen and a half year old cat, there is a photo of the cat wearing them seemly quite happy. I think with cats of any age most will take to nail caps, some wonâ€8482t, all you can do is try. I hope you have...
  19. L

    Hello, first post here.

    Thank you all very much for the welcomes. Itâ€8482s nice to know that this is a friendly forum. Larry.
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    Cat's hair thining in places

    I agree that many things can cause hair loss in a cat. Cats sometimes over-groom through stress. How long have your friend and his girl been an item? If she has started spending nights out whereas she was always at home before this may be stressing the cat out. I also agree that a check by the...