Search Results

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    Peeing problem

    How expensive is the medication? I'll have to ask my vet about that. And cleaning, yeah, we tend to soak it two or three times, to make sure we got it all, and then steam clean it. Just to make sure that it's all out. Thanks again. -Jade
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    Peeing problem

    and after reading this over to my husband, he reminded me of a couple things that we tried to do, but didn't work. We put foil down in her favorite places, but it didn't matter, she went right on em, or would move em out of the way. She doesn't care if it's a hard or soft surface. Thanks...
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    Peeing problem

    Well, i hope it's not stress still. We've been in this house for over a year now, and i would assume that she would have been adjusted by now. We are using Nature's Miracle (i think that's the name of it, it's in a white bottle with red writing), and a hand held steam cleaner to clean up after...
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    Can I Give My Cat A Bath?

    I give my kitties bath's on occassion. The vet recomended that I use tear free baby shampoo. It wont irritate their skin, their eyes, and does a good job cleaning. Good luck! -Jade
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    Peeing problem

    Hey folks! I have read as many threads as I possibly can. My poor kitty is a 4 year old spayed female, and no matter what I've tried, I still can't seem to get her to stop peeing and pooping in places that she should't. It didn't start till I moved into my current home, which is a 3 level...
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    Men! Why do they do the things they do?

    Hahah, i guess I just got lucky. I leave for school at 4am, until 230pm, then head to work at 330pm - 630/7pm, then go home, check my email, and PASS OUT. Im playing hookie today, cause it's 416am, and i wanted to check the forums. But anyway, I come home, and dinner is made, my 2 year old is...
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    New Car!

    heh, must be a GM girl. Nice car. I wish i could buy a new car. I bought my Jetta 2 years ago, and while I love it, every year or so, i get the itch to go car shopping. lol! It's gonna have to be after I get out of school though. COngrats again!! -Jade
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    Poll - How do you handle tailgaters?

    Depends on if my daughter is in the car or not. If it's just me, i will SLAM on my breaks and pray for a new car. If my daughter is in the car, i just slow down to the point where it makes them mad, and they go around me. -Jade
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    Crossing guards?

    They have them in the actual cities, all over the place. The last one i ran into was uber ghetto, waggin her finger at the kids. It was a funny sight. I couldn't help but wonder if she was crossing guard by day, stripper/hooker by night. But out here in the burbs we dont have em. -Jade
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    Food Ingredient Help

    Ok, so I'm still learning a LOT about nutrition between the vet and this forum, which has really helped my whole feline family! Thank you all ssooo much for helping and answering a newb's questions. Well, I have a couple more. I've seen a few people say to look at the ingredients on the food...
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    Odd post-surgery behavior in other cat

    heh, we used to use my husband's colone (sp?). I can't stand the smell of vanilla (dont know why, but never liked it) and still wanted to be able to cuddle my cats, and since i like the way my husband smells, i used that instead. Worked the same way. Good luck! -Jade
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    Dog person has some cat questions...

    Thats not true. a LOT of cats don't know when to stop. I have a cat that will SLEEP in a food dish that has food in it, he will eat so much that it makes him throw up, and then go back and eat more. 1/2c. of food is enough, but if you're worried, i say maybe go to 2/3c. The starvation act...
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    Who is going to watch American Idol tonight?

    Man, am i the only one that can't STAND Ace? For some reason he just ANNOYS me. Then again, i've never liked boys that were prettier than me. I totally love Taylor. His music tastes are very close to mine, and think he has a LOT of talent. I am also totally in love with Chris. I totally...
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    Dog person has some cat questions...

    My cats only get 1/2 cup of food a day if they are using dry only. I got monkey to loose almost 10 lbs this way. Something that i wish that i had learned earlier is that wet food is wonderful for weight loss. The way the cats metabolism works is that it doesn't process carbs. Dry food is...
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    How did I not notice she wasn't eating?!?!

    The Pairie is a pretty small kibble. Also, yes, the Eukanuba is a small kibble, as is regular Iams (At least the weight control formula is, not sure about the adult formula). Good luck! -Jade
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    Sweet 16?

    lol, i worked my entire 16th birthday. My first car was a 1990 Ford Festiva, that I repaired for $300 on my own. I owned it, and loved it, and it was my baby, lol. Thats crazy that his parents bought him all that! -Jade
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    radio question of the day: 03/07/06

    F. I will either go work out, or go clean a car. Both of which i have really loud music playing. Either that or I'll go for a drive.
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    Pictures Pictures!

    YAY! Congrats on him getting out this month! It was a HUGE transition for us, especially me, since I had been a millitary bratt my entire life. lol, it was always a HUGE ordeal for me to get him into his blues also. The only time he did was to go to the Marine Corp Ball, and that was only...
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    TCS Fundraiser 2006

    Oooohh! I cant wait. A woman and her mother in Fredericksburg, VA are opening a non profit, no kill animal shelter here. They are doing everything with their own sweat and blood and could certainly use the help. If you're interested, I can certainly get the information for you. -Jade
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    Do not eat without cooking

    ROFL! Thats extremly funny. One of my favorites, was when i bought a new hairdrier a couple weeks ago, there was a warning tag that warned me not to drop it into the bathtub or a skin full of water. lol -Jade