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  1. M

    Thick bladder wall and high kidney values

    Thank you for all the replies, I'm checking that site out now. He's getting home today! He's peeing normally, no visible blood, and he's got a great appetite for the help-the-kidneys-food Some of those bad values have gone down, even if the major ones won't go all the way down. But outwards...
  2. M

    Thick bladder wall and high kidney values

    They did an ultrasound to check the bladder walls. They say it might be stones, but don't think so... and they say to remove any stones they'd have to do surgery, and because of his kidneys he wouldn't survive anaesthetic, so they can't anyway. But for some reason or other, they don't think it's...
  3. M

    Thick bladder wall and high kidney values

    We don't really know since he's adopted from the cat shelter... but approximately five or six years. They've put him on a treatment now for a few days, and he seems abnormally content with being at the vets actually (we went to visit him today). He's a bit stressed by all the smells, but...
  4. M

    Thick bladder wall and high kidney values

    Sorry if my choise of words don't work so well in english as in swedish. My kitty is currently at the vet's, because he was peeing blood two days ago. We rushed him to the hospital immediatly. Now they say he's got high kidney values and a thick bladder wall. And that they may have nothing to...