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  1. C

    oh no..

    So sorry your little friend went off on his own. I hope he comes home safe and sound! Maybe he just eloped with some pretty kitty and will be back when the honeymoon is over.
  2. C

    Finally making myself known

    Hi! I have 5 cats, and I am a work at home wife. My husband and I don't have any kids. We think our cats are kid enough! I recently found this quote that I like.. "A cat is the ideal baby surrogate, a Peter Pan who never grows up and provides constant satisfaction for our mothering...
  3. C

    The Cupboard fascination

    One of our cats likes to walk up to the cupboard door and open/shut it repeatedly. All we hear is SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! It is SOOOOO annoying when she does it! We had to put child locks on ours too.
  4. C

    Concerned about my cat's red "bum"

    Cats can get blocked anal glands from time to time. It's also a common problem in dogs, and both are sometimes known to do the same thing to help alleviate it -- drag their bottoms along the carpet. You can go to the vet to have the anal gland expressed, or you can get it done at a groomer's...
  5. C

    Anything that your cat must have?

    Any time I take my medicine the sound of the pill bottle sounds like the shake of the treat bottle... so my cats all want treats when it is my medicine time.
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    Can I Give My Cat A Bath?

    Another option is to use a special grooming bag you can put your cat in it and give her a "shower" in the tub, the bag is a mesh so the water can get in but she won't be able to run away or claw you to death. Personally I think it must be some kind of torture device, but if your cat really...
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    Revolution Question

    Our cats have managed to lick it a few times and they didn't get sick.
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    Should I buy a cat that had a cold?

    Kitty colds are as common as the common cold in humans... If you take good care of your kitty and keep her vaccinated she probably won't get colds very often, but it does happen. It doesn't mean she's a "problem" any more than you are a "problem" if you get a cold once in a while. Its just...
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    The 'tabby cat' thread

    Hazel Subbes
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    Thinking about getting a boy

    I don't think there is much of a difference in behavior between altered male/female cats. Part of the reason you get them spayed/neutered is so they wont have the behavior-changing hormones associated with their sex. But, keep in mind that female cats can go into heat at younger than 6 months...
  11. C

    Olivia is sick..very upset here....

    I agree, just keep her comfortable overnight and she can see the vet in the morning. If you have some tuna you can put some tuna juice on her food or in the syringe. My vet recommends tuna juice to help enhance the scent/flavor of food for cats who are unwilling to eat.