Search Results

  1. grayfluffy

    Abandoned Kitty

    It seems that someone dropped off a kitty in my area. He started living under my shed about a month ago. It's a little hard for him to get in and out of, but it does provide some shelter. My concern with it starting to snow with winter beginning that the snow will get too high around the shed...
  2. grayfluffy

    My cat won't eat after spay three days ago

    I had my cat spayed three days ago. The day following she ate about a third of a can of food and drank some water. Now she refuses to eat. I discovered this morning that she will take liquid with a syringe. She willingly sits and takes the syringe with water or juice from a can of cat food. But...
  3. grayfluffy

    Yeast in ears, what to use?

    I took my cat to the vet and was given Entederm ointment for her ears. This stuff is so messy, now she shakes her head probably because this stuff is really greasy, her whole head is greasy after two applications. I'm supposed to use this stuff for seven days. Is there something else out there...
  4. grayfluffy

    Female peeing on carpet

    I have a female cat that is in heat, and have discovered that she is peeing on the carpet. I also have a female that I just got fixed and she is peeing on the floor. What is going on with this behaviour and how can I stop or prevent it? Does it take a while after being fixed for this behaviour...
  5. grayfluffy

    Roaming Males

    There is an abandoned cat I've been feeding for quite some time. I recently treated him for earmites and worms. He started looking much better, eating more and feeling better. Well, now he seems to have disappeared. He was always around when I was and he was excited to see me when I pulled up to...
  6. grayfluffy

    Which eye product should I use?

    There is an abandoned cat that I have been feeding for a couple of years now and he got earmites so bad that his head was swollen. I have treated him for ear mites. The swelling has gone down, but his one eye where the swelling was the worst in that ear on that side has been watering, I'm...
  7. grayfluffy

    Ear mite treatment

    I have treated a cat with ear mite medicine and a very little bit got on the outside of the ear, although I wiped the ear with cotton balls, there was still a little solution on the fur. Will it hurt the cat when the cat grooms himself, if he ingests any of it? If he did, it would be a small...
  8. grayfluffy

    Bad bathroom behaviour

    I have a cat that has started using the top of the dryer for a litter box. I have scolded her and it worked for about a day, then she was back at it. I have to clean it daily. Help Please!! How do I get her to stop?? I have tried foil and she just went on top of that. I thought foil was...
  9. grayfluffy

    Cat in heat misbehaving

    Is it normal for a cat in heat to misbehave or act differently than normal. Maybe I should ask what kind of things they do when they are in heat. Are they more likely to do things that they normally wouldn't? I have a cat in heat and she used to like to be confined to one room, she felt secure...
  10. grayfluffy

    Cat Vomiting Question

    I have a closet where one of my cats always used to hide out. Well, my other cat decided to have her kittens in this closet and they are being kept there. The cat that used to hide in the closet has started vomiting I believe around the same time. Do cats vomit if they are upset, if their...
  11. grayfluffy

    White Foamy Vomit - please help...

    I have a cat that has been vomiting for a few days now, right after he eats he throws up. I've taken him to the vet and I am supposed to take him back on Tuesday. I'm really worried, is there anything I can do in the meantime. I'm worried he won't make it, he has gotten dehydrated again. What...
  12. grayfluffy

    Finding Homes for Cats

    I would like to have some advice on how to go about finding good homes for cats. I have got to place some of them. If anyone is interested in getting a cat, please let me know. I have a pretty good selection (about six or so) to give away to loving and caring homes. They are all indoor cats. I...
  13. grayfluffy

    Would you...?

    I have a question... Would you give a kitten to a home knowing that when the new owners get the kitten the first thing they are planning to do is get it declawed? And, one of the people living in the home doesn't like cats. They also have very small children in the home. Would you give a kitten...
  14. grayfluffy

    Signature images

    Where, what program and/or how do all of you make your images used in your signatures? I would like to make one, but need some ideas.
  15. grayfluffy

    How many cats is too many?

    I love cats... I have ended up with more cats than most people, because I have taken in some unwanted and some stray cats. Now people think I'm crazy and call me "cat lady" and "cat collector". What is your opinion of too many cats? How many is too many? I don't feel I'm a "cat collector", etc...
  16. grayfluffy

    I need an opinion of this herbal treatment

    My cat has ear mites, and I'm a little scared to use pesticide treatments due to reasons I won't say unless you really want to know, you may message me. Anyway, I found this herbal treatment. I was wondering if I could get some opinions before I order it. Would you use it? Do you think it's...
  17. grayfluffy

    Cats in need of good homes

    I have a few cats that I need to find homes for. If anyone is interested please let me know. We can work out the details on how to get the cat/cats to you. I hate letting them go, but I don't have a choice. I rescued two pregnant cats, and now I need to find homes for some of the cats. It is a...
  18. grayfluffy

    I need help/advice

    Due to certain circumstances, I need to find homes for some of my cats and one dog. I don't know what to do with them. I have been looking for homes for several months and can't find good homes for any of them. I have tried the humane society and they are so overfull that they are having to...
  19. grayfluffy

    Help please, emergency

    My vet gave my three month old kitten too much ear mite medicine in her ears and she then gave herself a bath licking the excess off of her fur. Although, she didn't get it all licked off because it has made her very sick. I called my vet and all he said was to feed her and give her water to...
  20. grayfluffy

    Third eyelid

    The third eyelid of my cat is more noticeable lately. It is covering about a third of her eye in one eye and about a fourth in the other eye. She has no other symptoms of any illness. The third eyelid was red, but since I started putting anitbiotic ointment in her eyes (as my vet advised), it's...