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  1. L

    Suckling Suckatash

    Atreyu has a little, ok big habit of suckling me. He goes for my neck, my lips, my eyes, my chest... anything he can get his little mouth to. He has a habit of sucking on my shirts too. To the point that my shirt is soaking wet. He has even crawled down my shirt and done this to my stomach -...
  2. L

    Kitty Cries When Going Potty

    I just adopted a kitten, had him a week, so now he is 7 weeks old. I have noticed that when he goes to the bathroom he cries out just before going. When he needs to use the litter he will start crying out and gets in and scratches around a bit then settles in to do his business. He will cry...
  3. L

    Introducing Lothose and her amazing cat Atreyu

    Greetings from Michigan, I am the proud new mommy of a 7 week old kitten named that has been dubbed Atreyu. Like his namesake (from the movie the Neverending Story) he is a brave little warrior with a heart of gold. Atreyu knows no fear (which is a little scary in someone his age) but is...