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  1. S

    WHO is peeing in the crate?

    I have a 7 month old boxer as well as two cats. I have had the puppy now for about three to four months so I am assuming that the cats are use to her. Last night puppy slept on the bed with us and I woke up to her slurrping something in her crate. It was pee! In the very back. This is the...
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    Realllllllllllly Gross!!!

    As I was sitting at the computer my cat likes to block the screen. As I moved him along (I lifted him under his front legs and hind legs) and scooted him over there was this horrible smelling black liquidy stuff that squirted out from him onto my computer screen!!! Not a lot but OMG!! did it...
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    My cat has started peeing underneath the computer desk on all the cords!! He is fixed and has had a tendenectomy done (three years ago)! It is really bad.. I have never had this problem before!
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    Why do cats...

    My cat likes to lick my hair and face lots!! When I am in my bed or laying on the couch he likes to circle around my head and then eventually lay accross my face. He will only lay there for a moment then will get up and do the entire routine again! Does anyone know why he does this? He is...
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    pesky cat

    Although I love my cat dearly.. he drives me crazy sometimes. He is constantly wanting to lick my face! When I sit on the couch he will even take his paws to pull my face down so he can lick it! He will circle around my head at night chewing on my hair and licking my face. I will push him off...
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    help.. my cat smells!

    The base of my cats tail smells really bad!! Does anyone know what causes it? It kind of smells musky! I read some things about anal glands but he is not dragging his butt on the floor. I have noticed this smell before and it eventually goes away, but it is really gross. When he lays on my...
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    smelly cat

    The base of my cats tail smells really bad!! Does anyone know what causes it? Is this stud tail? How do you get it to go away! It is sick!!
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    How come I am not able to attach a picture of my crazy cat taking a bath (in the bath tub FULL of water)? Does anyone else's cat like to get in the bathtub full of water?