Search Results

  1. L

    Do Cats Have Periods?

    All of my cats are neutered, but 3...just haven't got it done yet...all females. They are all pure white, so I have always noticed a little drainage during the time of their heat cycle. However, Baby, who is 4 years old has gotten to the point where she leaves slimy reddish brown spots on the...
  2. L

    Sulfodene For Hot Spots On Cats?

    I know it says Sulfodene for dogs....but has anyone used it for your cats' hotspots? I know if we can just keep them from scratching and biting at "those" spots long enough, they would heal up. However, there doesn't seem to be anything out there for cats - only dogs. I have used it on my dogs...
  3. L

    Wanted to share this with all of you

    I just received this in my e-mail and it suits me to a "T", as I have both cats and dogs..and gave me a good laugh. So thot I would send it along to others who might enjoy it. Have a great day!!! To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats, The...
  4. L

    HELP!! Mom is trying to tear her son to shreds!

    In all my experience with cats..this has never happened to me. All of sudden, two days ago, my 3-year old mother cat has begun seeking out her 2-year old son and attacking him....and I mean ATTACKING. This is a regular alley cat catfight!! He trys to hide and she tracks him down. I have...
  5. L

    "new" Member?

    Hi everybody I'm sending this out as a new member..even though I registered back in December. It's just now that I'm getting around to introducing myself. I'm a 57 disabled divorcee mother of 3 daughters with their own lives....and I live in SE Iowa. I have 17 indoor cats and 2...
  6. L

    Toys And The Water Dish

    Hi, I'm new here and have a strange problem with one of my cats. Not a big problem--more a nuisance. I have several of the fur-covered mice that you fill with catnip. Well...he has begun dunking them in the water dish!! They become soaked and then he ends up with them on the bed, sofa/chairs...