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  1. C

    Happy Birthday, bedtime_bear!

    Happy Birthday Bedtime Bear!!
  2. C

    Geisha cries every night (pics of my babies)

    Those are fantastic pictures and I'm sorry for your loss. Just know that things will get better day by day but for now it's going to hurt for a while. I lost my buddy Caleb on December 15 and it still stings a bit. I bet Sumo and Caleb are up there right now looking down on us. I'll pray for you...
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    Thank you all for everything, I hope everyone is recovered from the Holidays and I hope everyone had a good time. I couple weeks after Christmas is always hard for me, since it is my favorite holiday it's hard to let it go. Just the feeling of Christmas time is what gets me, I'm not so much...
  4. C


    Well as you all were right each day is getting better, I still think about Caleb sometimes, I thought about him on Christmas Day for a few moments than I thought it wouldn't be right for me to spoil the fun of everyone around me by crying so I held onto it for later. Today I took a ride going to...
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    Christmas at Rainbow Bridge

    That was very touching, I needed 2 Kleenexes for that one. Merry Christmas and God Bless all of you and your pets and your pets that have crossed the Bridge. God Bless Caleb Caleb2000
  6. C

    Oliver is gone...

    I know how you feel and I'm sorry to hear about your cat, it is always hard to let a catt go. I recently lost my cat as he had kidney stones and we had to put him down. I'm sure Oliver was very special to you just as Caleb was very special to me, It doesn't always help but we have to know we did...
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    Today was a Secret Santa day at work, and my SS got me a gift that I had been talking about and it's something from my childhood. It's a BedTime Bear Care Bears Stuffed Bear. I had been talking about it for a long time because when I was younger I used to collect Care Bears, and as I grew up I...
  8. C


    Thank you all for those kind words. I miss him so much. Ever since I lost him this past Thursday after a couple of days of crying my mother sat me down and told me that I had to let him go even if it was just a little bit, because if I didn't I would have made myself sick with all the crying I...
  9. C


    I'm new here on Forums. I wish I could say I'm huge cat fan and I know almost everything there is to know about them but I don't. I have two cats; well let me correct myself I now have one cat. Her name is LeeLu. My aunt named her for me, My aunt is a huge cat fan and a huge...