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  1. P

    is my kitten inheat?

    From what I know, cats go in to heat between 6-8 months of age.
  2. P

    Another litter question

    I have tried World's Best Cat Litter, and it wasnt too bad in the beginning, but the there was absolutley no odor control. Thats not to say the litter doesnt control the odor, it may just be my cat. The best thing to do is give it a go and see how it works with your kitty. In terms of natural...
  3. P

    Wondering about my scaredycat

    My cat does the same thing. He is the definition of a scaredy cat and a little paraniod. I wouldnt worry too much about it. Cats hear and sense thing we cannot, it doesnt mean they may have a problem. Unless things really egt outta hand, looks like you have a great attentive cat!
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    Toothpaste Poop

    My cat once had the same problem, it turned out to be diaharrea. He had developed an allergy to the food he was eating and it caused an inflammation in his small intestine which had to be treated and now he eats a special low-allergian dry food (Science Diet z/d). It turned out he was allergic...
  5. P

    Lets play a little game...

  6. P

    Toilet Cry's

    My cat follows me everywhere, even to the toilet. Whenever I'm done using the toilet, I flush it and my cat will stand up with his 2 front paws on the seat and watch the water swirl down the drain. As he does this he will cry as he watches, its like he's worried that the water is going away...