Search Results

  1. M

    What large cat tree/tower to get for older cats?

    We're looking for a large cat tree/tower for two older cats.  We have 10-foot ceilings, and would like to take advantage of them.  But our cats are 15+ years old, so they don't do a lot of jumping up.  It should be easy to climb to the top. Also, something that looks fairly nice, because it's...
  2. M

    Raccoons coming in cat door

    We're lucky enough to have an enclosed back yard from which the cats cannot escape. They love going out the cat door and hanging out in the yard at all hours. This was a fine setup, at least up until recently when: Raccoons started coming in through the cat door at night! They come in, raid...
  3. M

    Beautiful cat in Austin needs rescue! Hurry!!

    My wife and I are visiting Austin, Texas, and we've been adopted by a beautiful grey cat in the apartment complex here. Unfortunately, we're leaving here at noon today, and we have been unable to find a home for him. We're really, really hoping there's someone here who might take him! He's an...
  4. M

    How is fish's weight that Dora cat can carry?

    Hilarious!!! But strange. Yeah, it's all in Japanese, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to know Japanese to get it!
  5. M

    Herding Cats: Best commercial ever!

    Click for it:
  6. M

    Police officer attacked by Chihuahuas Can you imagine the ribbing this guy's going to get from his compatriots?
  7. M

    New species of cat-like mammal discovered!

    Others have expressed skepticism regarding my post about the elusive Galofie, a strange cat-like mammal discovered in the Galofagus Islands. Well now scientists have discovered yet another new cat-like mammal on the island of Borneo! CLICK HERE to read all about it: As with the Galofie, a...
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    Odd but very funny pic

  9. M

    So we bought one of those heated cat beds...

    Sofie Galofie walks over to the bed, sniffs at it for a second, and then... Climbs into the box it came in.... Great, we spent $50 for a cardboard box!
  10. M

    New Galofie Pics!

    For those who missed the explanation of what a Galofie is, the original threads are HERE and HERE. I finally got around to uploading some new pics; here they are:
  11. M

    Hilarious cat video

  12. M

    The sound of Galofies

    Some of you have seen my photos thread in which I posted pictures of the strange cat-like creature I have, called a Galofie. (If you haven't, the thread is HERE.) I call mine "Sofie Galofie". Now, a few folks naturally expressed skepticism over whether a Galofie isn't really just a cat, but...
  13. M

    Butt patting

    Has anyone else tried this? You firmly pat your cat just above the base of the tail. Seems to really turn them on. Male cats in particular seem to love this. For one of our cats, the firmer the patting, the better! In fact it's more like whacking than patting.
  14. M

    Hello, I am a Galofie!

    What's a Galofie??? Some people think they are cats. They are closely related to cats, but they are a distinct species. They are very rare and unique. They come from the Galofagus Islands. They can be identified by their stubby tail, sausage-shaped body, and the strange bird-like...
  15. M

    Howling fits at night - HELP!

    Hi all, My wife and I have a 10-year old neutered male cat. He's a great cat in every regard except one: Several times during the night, he will engage in loud howling fits. These last for 5-10 minutes, during which he will walk around the apartment howling, "Hrowww! Hrowww! HROWWW!!" over...