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  1. V

    Going to the Vet!

    I've always wondered if something like that would work but it just seems so... so... sneaky! You get him all comfortable with his carrier so he let's down his guard, then SURPRISE! Off to the vet! I guess that does sound better than the alternative though.
  2. V

    A tribute to Smirnoff

    Wow, 25. Thanks amazing! Though her owner may not have felt she could care for her, I'm sure she could still care about her. I'm sorry to hear about Smirnoff but glad they didn't have to go through the pain of separation twice. Rest well, Smirnoff.
  3. V

    Going to the Vet!

    Wow, I'm surprised to hear that Alfred was pretty much normal. It seems horrible to do that to a cat every year! It's not like they can understand it's for their own good though. Maybe Alfred was just terrified of the carrier but I guess I'll never know for sure. If I ever get another cat...
  4. V

    The life of Simba

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I too got a kitten when I was in the 4th grade and Alfred was with me for 15 years up to this past weekend when I had to put him to sleep as well. Now that I think about it he's not just a best friend, but more of a little brother. Heck, he's been with me for 2/3...
  5. V

    Remembering Alfred.

    I'm feeling a lot better now. Yesterday I packed up his things from his cage (food dish, litterbox, towels) and packed up or threw away the rest of his things (food, litter, treats, toys, etc). The cage was used as part of a plan to get him back to using his litter box several years ago and...
  6. V

    Going to the Vet!

    Alfred has always been awful about going to the vet but I've never had another cat so I was wondering if he's normal or not (I highly suspect he's not). When he was a kitten he didn't mind at all, the vet once expressed surprise that he was purring while she examined him! He'd cry in his...
  7. V

    Remembering Alfred.

    Thank you very much everyone. I really like the picture book idea so I've been taking pictures of his favorite places and things. I was wondering how I'd ever be able to pack up / throw away his things and this should really help. It was nice and sunny this morning so I was able to get some...
  8. V

    Remembering Alfred.

    Thank you very much. I've read some other posts here and I wish I had heard some of those keepsake ideas before he was buried. I wanted to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with him right until the end though and I don't regret it. Luckily the vet did the paw-print thing so I'm glad I...
  9. V

    Remembering Alfred.

    I had to say goodbye to Alfred this morning. He's been with me for 15 years but stopped eating last week so there wasn't much else to do. He was the first and only pet I've ever had so I wasn't sure what to do after his death. The vet provided a cardboard coffin which was much nicer than the...