Search Results

  1. C

    How often?

    Thanks Barb, that link was helpful! I'm pretty sure he got them from outside since he's always been an indoor cat until a few months ago when we moved to a house and I've been letting him out with a leash. He never had fleas before when we were in an apartment. So, he's not happy about having...
  2. C

    How often?

    We just washed our cat with Dawn dish soap to get rid of fleas, and it worked so well!! I'm just wondering how often we should be bathing him with it to get rid of the fleas. We have a shower stall, so we didn't really soak him, just showered him with the nozzle on gentle. I'm also doing other...
  3. C

    Happy Birthday charity & Plebayo !!

    Thank you!!!
  4. C

    Is Iams food bad?

    Here's a review on some Iams food, from a site called Dog Food Analysis: I use the site to check out different types of cat food, because I think they use some of the same ingredients for dog and cat food. Like a PP said, there's lots of...
  5. C

    People are so funny

    Some people can be silly!
  6. C

    Just wanted to share

    When my vet sends out letters, he addresses them to the pets. So, we got a letter in the mail yesterday addressed to Buster, saying it's almost time for his annual checkup. After I read it, I said, "Buster, you have some mail, you'd better come read it" and I held out the letter to him. He...
  7. C

    Who is your celebrity look alike?

    I got Alyson Hannigan, Courtney Cox, and some people I've never heard of - Robert Oppenheimer and Aristide Briand. I think I'll google them!
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    I remember my first exams in Grade 9 (even though it was over 10 years ago!) and everyone was scared, but they're really not that bad. Once you start writing it it'll be ok, and if you've studied, you'll do great! Just remember to breathe! Good luck!
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    Poor thing. Give him lots of lovin. Hopefully he'll be OK.
  10. C

    Game : Use my last letter

  11. C

    Neuter poll

    Buster had nothing at all. When you adopt a cat from the Humane Society here, you get a coupon for a free spay or neuter. Since it was covered, we used the laser surgery, because you don't need stitches, and it's supposed to heal faster.
  12. C

    What vegetables does your cat like?

    Buster loves canned mushrooms! And he eats rabbit hay too.
  13. C

    Ladder 49

    I haven't seen it because I know it'll make me cry! I haven't seen the Notebook either!
  14. C

    Any December 25th Birthdays?

    My BF's birthday is on Christmas eve. He said growing up, he was always visiting his grandparents for Christmas on his birthday. So I always make a big deal like "these are your birthday presents and these are your Christmas presents. My b-day is Dec. 3rd so I can sort of relate. Also, my...
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    What's the silliest way that you've hurt yourself?

    I walked into a cement streetpole once - my head was turned sideways I gave myself a little electric shock when my coffeemaker was leaking, and I decided to move it out of the water when it was still plugged in. My fingers started twitching, then I thought "that's weird" and tried it again...
  16. C

    Whats your favorite Xmas Movies

    I'm so happy someone said the Claymation Christmas!! I haven't seen it in years, but I love it! "oh hear we come a waffling..." my other faves are: the original cartoon Grinch with Boris Karloff a Chrismas Carol in black and white
  17. C

    Work rant!!!

    That's just awful that he did that. Can you go over his boss's head? There should be zero tolerance about violence in the workplace, not just a write-up. Hope tomorrow's better for you!
  18. C

    Christmas Tree?

    We put up the tree yesterday, and Buster is a Christmas tree snob! He's looked at it, but ignores it for the most part. We have a fake tree, and didn't put any ornaments on the bottom foot of the tree, just in case!
  19. C

    no jobs, more stress

    I'm sort of going through the same thing. I quit one job in October because I was miserable there, and am now working somewhere that I really like, but I only work about 10 hours a week. I'm a person who likes to keep busy (I worked 2 jobs at the same time while going to college!) so I'm...