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  1. G


    Back in October we adopted a new kitten. Our older cat Dusty accepted her with ease. They constantly played together, groomed each other, and could be found sleeping practically on top of each other every night. On Monday I took our kitten (Ariel) to the vet to be spayed. Dusty walked around...
  2. G

    Our new kitten

    I took my little girl to the Home away from home shelter yesterday to adopt a new kitten. We were all greatly saddened by Tinkerbell's passing, but decided that it was best to go ahead and get a new kitten. I am pleased to say that our older cat Dusty has taken Ariel under his wing with only...
  3. G

    My sweet Tinkerbell

    Link to past thread: I called the vet this morning and she told me that Tinkerbell got worse during the night. When she got to work this morning Tinkerbell had passed away. It is amazing how a little fur baby can get into your heart so...
  4. G

    Prayers for Tinkerbell

    I posted over the weekend in the behavior forum. Well I took Tinkerbell to the vet this morning. She noticed right away that she was not well. She did a Feline Leukemia test and it came back negative. She believes strongly that she has a...
  5. G

    New Kitten Help

    Yesterday I rescued a 6 week old kitten from the local animal shelter. She is a lovely, furry calico and makes a wonder addition to our family. I have another cat who is 8 years old and so far he is handling the transition very well. I do have a couple of concerns about this little kitten...